Since the industrial revolution,
government, society, and industry have attempted to channel technological
progress in useful directions. Whether it is the printing press, the cotton gin
the automobile or the Internet, technological innovations often have profound
economic and social effects. To harness the benefits and minimize the more
harmful effects of new technologies, modern governments use four basic
approaches: specific direction, market incentives, criminal prohibition, and
behavior modification. Specific direction starts with governments identifying one or more key factors in the R&D phase. Then, using a variety of means ranging from administrative regulation to outright state ownership, the government seeks to control the implementation of the technology. Market incentives are the deliberate manipulation of the marke A. it requires the cooperation of companies and individuals. B. it is targeted at encouraging innovations in advertising industry. C. it involves less forced actions and administrative interference. D. it helps to mold people’s sense of responsibility for society. [简答题]不具备停放制动功能或停放制动功能异常的16辆编组动车组(包括重联动车组),在坡道停放时,如何设置铁鞋。
A.甲乙构成强奸的共同犯罪 B.乙的强奸行为构成犯罪中止 C.甲乙构成故意杀人的共同犯罪 D.对甲乙应该数罪并罚 [单选题]在人工起动模式下,当发动机N2转速达到43%,将会:
A.人工起动按钮上的ON指示灯灭 B.EEC给ECAM提供信息指示起动机活门必须关闭 C.起动活门自动关闭 [简答题]
独立战争的性质 [单项选择]投保施工人员意外伤害险,施工单位与保险公司双方应根据各类风险因素商定保险费率,实行()。
A. 差别费率和最低费率 B. 浮动费率和标准费率 C. 标准费率和最低费率 D. 差别费率和浮动费率 [名词解释]外辅骨
[判断题]硬山顶的特征是:屋面双坡,没有明显的正脊,前后坡相接处不用脊而砌成弧形曲面。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]以下可以用来比较消毒剂杀菌作用的指标为:( )。
A.A0 值 B.D 值 C.DR 值 D.CT 值 [判断题](判断题).王不留行水溶物的增加与爆花程度有关,爆花率越高,水溶性浸出物越低。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]如果窗宽为200,下界CT值是0Hu,那么窗位应当是( )
A.200Hu B.0Hu C.100Hu D.50Hu E.-200Hu [单项选择]用破伤风抗毒素治疗破伤风的目的是()
A. 抑制破伤风梭菌生长 B. 阻止细菌产生毒素 C. 中和结合在神经细胞上的外毒素 D. 中和游离于神经细胞外的外毒素 E. 作为人工主动免疫制剂 [单项选择]
{{B}}Wedding Ceremonies{{/B}} A wedding is celebrated with some kind of ceremony almost everywhere in the world. The ceremonies vary greatly among different nations and different religions. But whatever the form of a marriage ceremony, it serves the important purpose of announcing to the community that a male and a female have been joined in matrimony(婚姻). The wedding ceremony may be a religious one performed by a churchman. In Western societies it may be a civil ceremony performed by a civil official, such as a mayor or a judge. Or it may be only a couple’s declaration, before witnesses, of their intention to marry. In some places a transfer of property makes a marriage binding. In other places blood is drawn from the hands of the bride and groom. The blood is mixed, sealing the union. Among some people the marriage rite consists only of the bride and groom’s sharing the A. explain the symbolism of a custom B. argue with the scholars who hold the belief C. inform the readers of the legend D. impress the readers [单选题]某公司从英国进口一批纸箱包装的水果罐头,报检时不需提供的单据是( )。
A.进境动植物检疫许可证 B.产地证书 C.进出口食品标签审核证书 D.出口商出具的无木质包装声明 [判断题]筛选理论认为教育只反映了个人的能力,并没有增加个人的能力。
A. 时间继电器 B. 电源开关 C. 检测电路 D. 检测开关 [单项选择]属于病理性红细胞增高的原因是()。
A. 剧烈运动 B. 妊娠 C. 肺心病 D. 高原地区居民 E. 恐惧 [填空题]当SO2风机滤压后油压低于( )时,风机将会报警;低于( )时,风机将会跳车。
[多选题]接触网作业车连挂前,连挂车辆司机必须与被挂车辆司机联系,确认被挂车辆的准确停留位置,( )不准进行连挂。
A.联系不彻底 B.停留车辆位置不清 C.车列长度 D.车辆型号 [单选题]动火工作票不得代替设备停复役手续或工作票、工作任务单和事故紧急抢修单。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]以下()属于前台岗位必须配置的接待物资。
A.电脑 B.电话 C.对讲机 D.办公文具 [单选题]《安全生产法》规定,在生产经营单位的建设工程中,安全设施投资应当纳入( )。
A.技改资金预算 B.建设项目概算 C.安全生产技术措施计划 D.A和C [单选题]真空断路器的灭弧方法属于( )灭弧。
A.空气 B.真空 C.混合气体 D.惰性气体 [单项选择]
Software design is a (66) process. It requires a certain (67) of flair on the part of the designer. Design can net be learned from a book. It must be practiced and learnt by experience and study of existing systems. A well (68) software system is straight forward to implement and maintain, easily (69) and reliable. Badly (68) software systems, although they may work are (70) to be expensive to maintain, difficult to test and unreliable. 70()A. like B. likely C. unlike D. unlikely [判断题]( )跨区间无缝线路、区间无缝线路按单元轨节等距离设置位移观测桩,且桩间距离不宜大于500m。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]代理记账机构与委托人签订的合同应载明的内容有()。
A. 编制和提供财务会计报告的要求 B. 明确会计凭证传递程序和签收手续 C. 会计档案保管的要求 D. 双方终止合同应办理的会计交接事宜 [单选题]总书记在党的群众路线教育实践活动工作会议上指出,开展党的群众路线教育实践活动就是要把()的价值追求,深深根植于全党同志的思想和行动中。
A.公平正义 B.社会主义法治 C.为民务实清廉 D.为人民服务 [单选题]运维人员应熟悉( )。单独值班人员或运维负责人还应有实际工作经验。
A.电气设备 B.施工机具 C.现场安全措施 D.现场作业环境 [单选题]动车组列车运行中遇有旅客因伤、病必须临时停车抢救时,列车调度员要及时安排列车在( )临时停车。
A.前方最近车站 B.前方有医疗条件车站 C.前方有医疗条件作业站 D.前方有医疗条件的营业站 [填空题]
A. 急性粒细胞性白血病 B. 急性单核细胞性白血病 C. 急性早幼粒细胞性白血病 D. 急性淋巴细胞性白血病 E. 慢性粒细胞性白血病 [单选题]1.74 省级公安机关交通管理部门应当建立全省(自治区、直辖市)机动车驾驶人考试监管系统,____对机动车驾驶人考试、机动车驾驶证业务办理情况进行监控、分析,及时查处、通报发现的问题。
A.每日 B.每周 C.每月 D.每年 我来回答: 提交