To get a chocolate out of a box demands
a considerable amount of unpacking: the box has to be taken out of its paper
bag; the plastic wrapper has to be torn off, the lid opened and the packing
paper inside removed; the chocolate itself then has to be unwrapped from its own
piece of paper. Similarly a pot of face cream comes surrounded by layers of
paper, wedged inside a cardboard box, and the whole thing wrapped tightly in
plastic. It is not only luxuries which are wrapped in this way. With so many
goods now produced centrally and sold in supermarkets it is becoming
increasingly difficult to buy anything from nails to potatoes that is not
already done up in plastic or paper. The wrapper itself is of no interest to the
shopper, who usually throws it away immediately. Useless wrapping accounts for
much of the A. How does packaging change our life B. Packaging, a new industry in the coming era. C. Packaging or polluting D. Waste of packages. [单项选择] The Function of Tomatoes
How do we love tomatoes Let’’s count the ways: we love them in pasta, on pizza, in juice, in salad and soup, sliced on sandwiches, stuffed with tuna, even dried and baked in bagels, but most of all, we love them right off vine—ripe, red, and delicious.
While tomato lovers don’’t need an excuse for eating them by the bushel (蒲式耳), now there’’s even more reason to savor these delicious fruits. Evidence is mounting that people who eat tomatoes have a substantially lower risk for cancer.
In a thousand-person study of eating habits and health, Harvard Medical School researchers found that those who ate tomatoes every week had the lowest chance of dying form cancer.
Recently, a study of 48, 000 American men showed a 21 to 34 percent lower risk for prostate cancer(前列腺癌)among those who consumed tomatoes, tomato sauce, or pizza more than twice a week. And in study of men and women in Italy, eating seven or more serving of
A. The light red tomatoes do not contain lycopene. B. The darker green and yellow the tomato, the less lycopene it contains. C. The lighter red the tomato, the less lycopene it contains. D. Green and yellow tomatoes contain little lycopene. [简答题]列车 ATO 模式对标不准 如何处理?
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]初级卫生保健又称()。
A. 低级卫生保健 B. 农村卫生保健 C. 一级卫生保健 D. 基层卫生保健 E. 以上都不是 [单选题]根据《危险化学品安全管理条例》,对发生交通事故负有全部责任或者主要责任的危险化学品道路运输企业,由()责令消除安全隐患,未消除安全隐患的危险化学品运输车辆,禁止上道路行驶。
A.应急管理部门 B.交通运输主管部门 C.公安机关 [单项选择]有关控制文件的配置的最低要求(推荐值)是什么
A. 一个控制文件 B. 两个控制文件放在相同的硬盘上 C. 两个控制文件放在不同的硬盘上 D. 3个控制文件放在相同的硬盘上 E. 3个控制文件放在不同的硬盘上 [多项选择]随时评级授信工作小组()不少于3人组成,负责农户随时评级授信工作。
A. 联社机关人员 B. 信用社主任 C. 客户经理 D. 抽调信贷客户经理 E. 村主任 [单项选择]根据《建设工程安全生产管理条例》,总承包单位依法将建设工程分包给其他单位的,分包合同中应当明确各自的安全生产方面的权利、义务。总承包单位和分包单位对分包工程的安全生产()。
A. 不承担责任 B. 承担连带责任 C. 不承担连带责任 D. 承担责任 [单选题]配置轨道衡等计量安全检测设备的装车站,对亏吨且具备()条件的货物,补装后应复检确认,保证装车后货物重量不超过货车容许载重量。
A.补装 B.增载 C.满载 D.装载 [单选题]下列关于太平天国运动的说法错误的是()。
A.太平天国运动受到了西方宗教思想的很大影响 B.太平天国运动给满清王朝的统治以沉重的打击 C.西方列强从未插手太平天国运动 D.太平天国领导人内讧严重削弱了自己的力量 我来回答: 提交