Smokers who want to kick the habit
might soon get help from a product that’s being tested at the University at
Buffalo School of Dental Medicine: a mouth wash that makes cigarettes taste bad.
It could be on the market within a year. The anti-smoking rinse itself tastes rather pleasant. But if you light up within 6 to 8 hours of smoking it, your cigarette will taste like burnt rubber and you won’t smoke past the first puff, explains Dr. Sebastian Ciancio, director of the Center for Dental Studies at the University of Buffalo. Ciancio is heading up a pilot study in which 10 smokers, each of whom normally smoke at least a pack of cigarettes a day, are rinsing their mouths three times daily with the anti-smoking solution. Another 10 are getting a placebo. Prior to this study, only the inventor had tested the anti-smoking ri A. the anti-smoking rinse might also be effective in reducing bad breath B. the anti-smoking rinse is available in the market now C. fewer volunteers would like to participate in the study D. the anti-smoking rinse will be very expensive [单选题]下列各项,不属正常妊娠生理现象的是
A.乳头乳晕着色 B.月经停闭 C.晨起恶心呕吐 D.脉滑疾流利,尺脉按之不绝 E.腹胀便秘 [单项选择]24小时尿量超过多少为多尿()
A. 2000ml B. 2500ml C. 3000ml D. 3500ml E. 4000ml [单选题]0. 《安全生产法》规定,员工宿舍应当设有符合紧急疏散要求标志明显保持畅通的出口。()
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]以下有关马尔代夫说法正确的是( )。
A.中国公民持有有效旅行证件和往返机票赴马旅游不需办理其签证,并可在其境内停留30天。 B.中国与马尔代夫互免签证的证件种类是外交、公务护照。 C.中国旅游团赴马尔代夫旅游可办理落地签证。 [单选题]急性结膜炎( )。
A.视力不减退 B.视力减退 C.视力急剧减退 D.视力减退至0.1~0.3 E.后期视力减退 [单项选择]卸氨结束,由运行值班人员和槽车人员()确认安全后,槽车方可启动离开装卸台。
A. 运行值班人员确认 B. 槽车人员确认 C. 运行值班人员和槽车人员其中一人确认即可 D. 运行值班人员和槽车人员共同确认 [单选题]《铁路旅客运输规程》中规定,持通票的旅客在乘车途中有效期终了、要求继续乘车时,应自有效期终了站或()站起,另行补票,核收手续费。
A.始发站 B.发现站 C.最近前方营业站 D.最近前方停车站 [单选题]以下属于口令下达的方法是( )。
A.长口令 B.小口令 C.不断续口令 D.断续口令 我来回答: 提交