After losing her job and home in 1984,
Lynn Carr was living on the streets of St. Charles, Montana, with her
five-year-old son. "We slept in our car for about a week," she said, "but then
it was sold." As she moved from one friend’s house to another, Carr began working toward a high-school- equivalence diploma, listening to self-help tapes and making cheesecakes. After developing some new methods which she thought were pretty good, she offered her cakes to a restaurant. They sold out in a matter of hours. The following year, she met a man at a church service and before long, they married. Carr began selling the cheesecakes out of their home. Later she opened a cheesecake company. As business became better and better, Carr didn’t forget where she came from. All the women she A. would not forget where her hometown was B. kept in mind her friends who had once helped her C. remembered what she used to be D. remembered all the places she had been to [单选题]如胎盘边缘到达子宫颈内口为
A.胎盘位于子宫前壁 B.完全性前置胎盘 C.部分性前置胎盘 D.边缘性前置胎盘 E.低置胎盘 [判断题]拆下火花塞,检查其电极状况,若电极潮湿,则可继续使用。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]社会保障法律制度的社会保障对象、社会保障项目、社会保障待遇水平,受到( )的制约和影响。
A. 社会文化发展水平 B. 社会经济发展阶段和经济发展水平 C. 经济发展阶段和公民个人的承受能力 D. 公民、社会的承受能力和经济发展水平 [单项选择]责令停业是行政处罚中的()
A. 申诫罚 B. 财产罚 C. 行为罚 D. 自由罚 [单项选择]没有建立专职应急救援队的危险化学品企业必须与邻近的具备相应能力的专业救援队签订()。
A. 应急意向书 B. 应急合同 C. 应急救援协议 [单项选择]纵隔肿瘤常出现重症肌无力的是哪一种疾病:()
A. 神经源性肿瘤 B. 支气管囊肿 C. 胸腺瘤 D. 恶性淋巴瘤 E. 胸内甲状腺肿 [单项选择]破胶时容量应适当,是为了防止()。
A. 设备猝停 B. 增加负荷 C. 损坏设备 D. 伤人 [单选题]调车领导人与( )必须亲自交接计划。
A.调车指挥人 B.连结员 C.调车人员 D.司机 [单项选择]成人推拿击法操作时,用力特点是()
A. 部位深沉 B. 节奏缓和 C. 快速短暂 D. 轻重交替 [单项选择]根据下表回答下面问题