Questions from 31 to 35 are based on the following passage: As overseas sales and profits as a percentage of total sales and profits increase, there is likely to be more headquarters’ attention paid to foreign operations. Similarly, there will be pressures to centralize control in order to deal with the growing number of global competitors and the more homogenized(同质的) needs of global consumers. The need for centralization will present more challenges for MNEs in controlling their global operations. One challenge involves management’s position in foreign facilities, where manager may see the erosion of their autonomy over marketing, production, and financial decisions. To keep those managers motivated, the company needs to include more nationalities on boards of directors and use cross-national management teams to develop practices that are globally rather than nationally oriented. But with such cross-national fertilization comes the risk of clashes between cu
A. their overseas sales and profits account for much of their total
B. their overseas sales and profits increase
C. their foreign operations perform well
D. they have a better foreign market
Because agriculture is so important to
a nation’s well-being, governments have always been concerned with it. For
example, the United States and Canada have long produced surpluses that
complicate their economies. Surpluses tend to lower prices to farmers and
seriously endanger the agriculture industry. Governments have instituted systems
of price supports to maintain a fair price when surpluses cause prices to drop.
The system in the United States is a good example. A government program supports
the prices paid to farmers for grains, and other agricultural
products. Support prices are based on parity, which is the ratio between the prices farmers receive for their A. Because farm prices go up and down constantly. B. Because farmers usually earn less than other income groups. C. Because there is not much arable farmland left. D. Because farmers are confronted with fiercer competition. [单项选择]黄龙汤的功用是( )
A. 补气健脾,泻结通便 B. 泻热通便,益气滋阴 C. 滋阴增液,泻热通便 D. 攻下热结,益气养血 E. 温阳健脾,泻结通便 [单项选择]特大桥梁测量控制网应( )复测一次。
A. 0.5年 B. 1年 C. 2年 D. 5年 [单选题]患者额,女性,78岁,身高158cm,体重50KG,以腹痛待查收入院。现意识清楚,但生活基本不能自理。护士行口腔护理时发现口腔黏膜充血糜烂,有假膜。下列措施中正确的是
A.允许患者自行清除假膜 B.要求家属加强照护,注意口腔清洁 C.嘱患者睡前用温盐水漱口 D.提供呋喃西林溶液漱口 E.3%碳酸氢钠溶液漱口 [填空题] 表面质量检验时:一、肉眼检查表面质量时,不得有有( );二、表面不平度检查时,将( )长度的直尺放在经过外形精整的焊接接头上,焊缝位于直尺中心,测量直尺与钢轨接触面间的最大距离。
[多选题]地铁通信系统包括 等。( )
A. 、公务电话系统 B. 、专用电话系统 C. 、无线通信系统 D. 、闭路电视监控 [简答题]微机联锁的主要设备有哪些?
[单选题]009 2
25m钢轨地段,更换钢轨时的轨温限制范围为( )。 A.(tz-20℃)~(tz+20℃) B.(tz-25℃)~(tz+25℃) C.(tz-30℃)~(tz+30℃) D.(tz-35℃)~(tz+35℃) 我来回答: 提交