For Lee Ann Laraway, polio(脑灰质炎) has
made almost everything in life just out of reach. But what her hands can’t
retrieve, her assistant can. Meet Jeannie, a three-year-old help, has become Lee
Ann’s arms and legs. Jeannie understands no fewer than 72 commands. To get a feel for what that means, Lee Ann takes us on a shopping trip in San Jose. First stop: The bank, where she got cash from the teller. From the bank, it’s on to the drug store, where Jeannie got a candy bar for Lee Ann. Then Jeannie helped pay the cashier, and got change hack. "When you have a really good working animal, they come and interact with you all the time," Lee Ann said. While there’s no argument that Jeannie is an ordinary animal, she wasn’t born that way. She was tutored and trained here at a facility that has become the final legacy of A. get cash at the bank B. pay a cashier for her C. take on a telephone for her D. open the door 热门试题:[单选题]对于持有贴纸式签证出入我国的人员,
A.贴纸签证 B.就近的空白签证页 C. [单选题]工区负责录音笔的使用、录音数据转储,录音记录必须条条转储,建立录音数据文件夹及录音分析记录台帐,录音文件保存时间为( )
A.不少于3个月 B.不多于3个月 C.不少于1个月 D.不多于1个月 [单项选择]矿用防爆四轮柴油机车的蒸发式水箱必须()小时加水一次,不加足水不准开车
A. 3 B. 2 C. 1 [判断题] 变压器是按欧姆定律原理工作的。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]CTC设备中在行车日志界面,点击工具栏上的“()”按钮,可以在界面进行“行车日志”和“运行图”之间的转换。
A.运行图 B.历史报表 C.图标转换 D.会让计划 [简答题]试述准同期并列法。
[单项选择]用于防止疟疾复发及传播的药物是( )
A. 氯喹 B. 奎宁 C. 青蒿素 D. 伯氨喹 E. 乙胺嘧啶 [单选题]不填用工作票的低压电气工作可()进行。
A.两人 B.三人 C.单人 D.单人监护 E.略 F.略 [单选题]热通过流动介质将热量由空间中的一处传到另一处的现象,叫做( )。
A.热传导 B.热辐射 C.热对流 D.热传播 [单项选择]在域名服务器中,下列 ( ) 负责非本地域名的地址查询。
A. 主域名服务器 B. 辅域名服务器 C. 缓存域名服务器 D. 转发域名服务器 [多选题]设备的腐蚀会造成( )
A.设备报废 B.跑、冒、滴、漏 C.高温、高压设备爆炸 D.装置停产 [单项选择]有以下程序 #include <stdio.h> main( ) { FILE *fp; int a[10]={1,2,3},i,n; fp=fopen("d1.dat","w"); for(i=0;i<3;i++) fprintf(fp,"%d",a[i]); fprintf(fp,"/n"); fclose(fp); fp=fopen("d1.dat","r"); fscanf(fp,"%d",&n); fclose(fp); printf("%d/n",n); } 程序的运行结果是
A. 12300 B. 123 C. 1 D. 321 [判断题]{A}冷轧带肋钢筋是按延性高低分为冷轧带肋钢筋和高延性冷轧带肋钢筋。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]洞察产品可以为增幅客户提供人口流动分析、人口结构属性分析服务。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]文化层次较高的游客大多期待听导游讲民间传说和神话故事。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]“三同时”制度是指一切建设项目的防治污染的设施必须与主体工程、同时施工、同时投入使用的法律制度
[判断题]国家电网有限公司已建成“十纵十横两环”高速公路快充网络,形成了具有自主知识产权的中国充换电标准体系。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]设备精度降低、劳动生产率下降,属于设备磨损类别中的()。
A. 第一类无形磨损 B. 第二类有形磨损 C. 第一类有形磨损 D. 第二类无形磨损 [多选题]电气装置运行中产生的危险温度、电火花和电弧是导致电气火灾爆炸的重要因素。下列关于电气引燃源的说法中,正确的有()。
A.变压器、电动机等电气设备铁心涡流损耗异常增加,将造成铁心温度升 高,产生危险温度 B.短路电流流过电气设备时,主要产生很大的电动力,造成设备损坏,而不会产生危险温度 C.三相四线制电路中,节能灯、微波炉、电焊机等电气设备产生的三次谐波容易造成中性线过载,带来火灾隐患 D.铜、铝接头经过长期带电运行,接触状态会逐渐恶化,导致接头过热,形成引燃源 E.雷电过电压、操作过电压会击穿电气设备绝缘,并产生电弧 [多项选择]下列三资企业办理减免税手续叙述正确的是( )。
A. 三资企业货物进口时,凭《进出口货物征免税证明》申报和减免税 B. 凡列在《进出口货物征免税证明》上的货物都可以减免税 C. 货物进口前,提出减免税申请,提交《外商投资企业征免税登记手册》及该批进口货物的发票、装箱单等,由海关签发该批货物的《进出口货物征免税证明》 D. 三资企业在海关关税管理部门备案登记后,签发《外商投资企业征免税登记手册》,在投资总额内可以免税 [多选题]不规则热表现为发热的体温曲线无一定规律,可见于( )。
A.A B.B C.C D.D E.E [单选题]消防救援人员不得以消防救援人员的名义、肖像()。
A.主持节目 B.参加访谈 C.做形象代言 D.做商业广告 [不定项选择题]共用题干
Sport or Spectacle?
Muhammad Aui is probably the most famous sports figure on earth:he is recognized on every continent and by all generations. The__________(51)of his illness as Parkinson's disease after his retirement fuelled the debate about the dangers of boxing and criticism__________(52)the sport. That,plus his outspoken opposition___________(53)women's boxing,made people wonder how he would react when one of his daugh- ters decided to____________(54)up the sport.His presence at Laila's first professional fight,however,seemed to broadcast a father's support.Of course Muhammad Aui wanted to___________(55)his daughter fight. The ring announcer introduced him as the"the greatest"and as he sat down at the ringside the crowd chanted. Twenty-one-year-old Laila's debut fight(首次亮相)was a huge success and there was as much publicity for the___________(56)as her father's fights once attracted Laila's opponent was much weaker than she was and__________(57)the fight lasted just 31 seconds.Since then, Laila has won most of her fights by knoc- king out her opponent"She knows ______ (58)she's doing,"said one referee about her."She knows about moving well.You can see some of her dad's moves." Laila Ali would rather not _________ (59)herself to her father. She prefers to make. __________(60). Her father supports her decision to enter the sport but he has not spared her the details of what can happen. Laila__________(61)that her father wants her to understand the worst possible scenario to see_________(62) she still wants to go forward with it.She knows she's going to get hit hard at times,that she may get a broken nose or a swollen(肿胀的)face , but at least she is prepared for it. Laila's decision to start boxing despite her father's__________(63)with the symptoms of Parkinson's disease has of course sparked a mixture of praise and__________(64).But Laila is a determined individual and it is her famous last name that has made her a magnet for worldwide media attention.Of course,the ___________(65)on the boxing scene of a woman with her family history attracts even more questions about whether women's boxing is sport or spectacle. _________(54) A.set B.cheer C.look D.take [单选题]晚期食管癌的一般 X 线表现是
A. 食管黏膜呈串珠样改变,食管蠕动尚好 B. 食管出现充盈缺损、管腔狭窄、梗阻 C. 食管下段呈光滑的鸟嘴样狭窄 D. 食管呈不规则线样狭窄 E. 食管移位、狭窄,黏膜正常 [单选题][T]A-B-815 4 2 3
管道工程图大部分是利用( )绘制出来的。 A.中心投影法 B.斜投影法 C.正投影法 D.中心投影法和斜投影法 [单项选择]《中华人民共和国循环经济促进法》由几部分构成?()
A. 五 B. 六 C. 七 D. 八 [单选题]标签中的车辆信息不包括()。
A.车型 B.车号 C.运营里程 D.换长 [单选题]生产经营单位的( )对本单位的安全生产工作全面负责。
A.分管安全工作负责人 B.主要负责人 C.安全部门负责人 D.所有出资人 [判断题]程某在观看足球比赛过程中,因对裁判员的裁判不满,不顾工作人员劝阻,从观众席强行冲入场内,辱骂并试图殴打裁判员。在工作人员及时制止下,未造成严重后果。对于程某的行为,应按照殴打他人未遂予以治安管理处罚。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题] As a physician who travels quite a lot, I spend a lot of time on planes listening for that dreaded "Is there a doctor on board " announcement. I’’ve been 【B1】 only once—for a woman who had merely feinted. But the 【B2】 made me quite curious about how 【B3】 this kind of thing happens. I wondered what I would do if 【B4】 with a real midair medical emergency—without access 【B5】 a hospital staff and the usual emergency equipment So 【B6】 the New England Journal of Medicine last week 【B7】 a study about in-flight medical events, I read it 【B8】 interest
The study estimated that there are a(n) 【B9】 of 30 in-flight medical emergencies on U.S. flights every day. Most of them are not 【B10】; fainting and dizziness are the most frequent complaints. 【B11】 13% of them— roughly four a day—are serious enough to 【B12】 a pilot to change course. The most common of the serious emergencies 【B13】 heart trouble, strokes, and difficulty breathing.
Let’’s face it plane rides are 【B14】. For starters, c
A. A.Whichever B.Wherever C.Whatever D.Whenever [多选题]班级目标的设计依据有( )。
A.国家的教育方针政策 B.学校的培养目标 C.学生的个性特征 D.班级群体的现实发展水平 E.班主任的授课领导方式 [多选题]根据《公安机关办理刑事案件规定》相关规定,证据确实、充分,应当符合以下条件( )。
A.认定的案件事实都有证据证明 B.收集到关于案件的所有证据 C.认定案件事实的证据均经法定程序查证属实 D.综合全案证据,对所认定事实已排除合理怀疑 [判断题]商用通信系统设备接地分为工作地和保护地,保护地接配线架的防雷地,可以快速地泻放掉雷击产生的大电流。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在试验和推广新技术、新工艺、新设备、新材料的同时,应制定相应的( ),经本单位批准后执行。
A.组织措施 B.技术措施 C.安全措施 D.应急措施 [单项选择]咨询师:"现在这样,当初你干什么来着?"这是一种()。
A. 选择性提问 B. 责备性提问 C. 修饰性反问 D. 解释性提问 [多选题]2.134.
国家电网公司计量现场作业终端计量故障识别除包含计量误差检测、台区识别功能外,还包含()功能 A.串户检测 B.接线错误检测 C.谐波检测 D.运行工况数据采集 [单选题]职业道德在起码道德的基础上突出了行业性、_( )、实用性、规范性、社会性、时代性。
A.现实性 B.连续性 C.预见性 D.标准性 [单选题]患者,男性,32岁,既往有胃病史,近1周来常感上腹部不适,4小时前突发上腹部剧烈疼痛,伴有恶心、呕吐。查体:腹部压痛、肌紧张,肝浊音界缩小。X线检查可见膈下游离气体,首先考虑
A.急性阑尾炎穿孔 B.胆囊炎穿孔 C.急性胰腺炎 D.溃疡穿孔 E.急性肠梗阻 我来回答: 提交