At a certain time in our lives we consider every place as the possible site (地点) for a house. I have thus searched the country within a dozen miles of where I live. In imagination I have bought all the farms, one after another, and I knew their prices.
The nearest thing that I came to actual ownership was when I bought the Hollowell place. But before the owner completed the sale with me, his wife changed her mind and wished to keep it, and he offered me additional dollars to return the farm to him. However, I let him keep the additional dollars and sold him the farm for just what I had given for it.
The real attractions of the Hollowell farm to me were its position, being about two miles from the village, half a mile from the nearest neighbor, bounded (相邻) on one side by the river, and separated from the highway by a wide field. The poor condition of the house and fences showed that it hadn’t been used for some time. I remembered from my earliest trip up the
A. He wanted to buy the oldest farm near where he lived.
B. He made a study of many farms before buying.
C. He made money by buying and selling farms.
D. He had the money to buy the best farm in the country.
Text 2 You’d think that if the San Andreas Fault went to the trouble of having a perfectly good earthquake, the folks on the US West Coast might at least notice. A new study reveals, however, that in 1992, what should have been a China-smashing 4.8 Richter-scale quake hit central California, and yet nobody felt a thing. The explanation for the odd shadow-quake was published last week in the journal Nature and may help improve science’s understanding of earthquakes in general. According to Alan T. Linda, a geophysicist at the Carnegie Institution of Washington and the study’s leader, what makes seismic events so destructive is not just that the earth moves but the speed with which it does so. In many quakes the earth’s surface movement that leads to shaking takes only seconds to unfold, sending energy exploding in all directio A. Slow sliding of the San Andreas eliminates an earthquake’s quaking. B. Rock with holes can move more smoothly than other rock. C. What determines the speed with which the earth’s plates move is unclear. D. Linda’s study helps seismologists determine the type of temblor. [单选题]待用间隔(母线连接排、引线已接上母线的备用间隔)应有名称、编号,并列入调度控制中心管辖范围。其隔离开关(刀闸)操作手柄、网门应()。
A.加锁 B.悬挂标示牌 C.设遮拦 D.不再加锁 [单项选择]Je vous présente ma _____ et mon _____ .
A. belle-fille /beau fils B. belle fille/beau-fils C. belle fille/beau fils D. belle-fille/beau-fils [多项选择]回转泵多用于油类液体和液压传动系统,其最大特点是没有( )。
A. 吸入阀 B. 排出阀 C. 活塞杆 D. 密封装置 [简答题]我们常说的社交距离中,属于私人距离的是指多少距离?
[单选题]肌肉发生挫伤时,早期处理的合适手段是( )
A.热敷治疗 B.按摩、针灸 C.药物痛点注射 D.冷敷加压包扎 [单项选择]患者,男性,20岁。失血性休克30小时,经抢救血压恢复正常,发病以来尿量仅为400ml,为确诊是否肾衰竭,最适宜的检查是
A. 血液pH测定 B. 电解质检查 C. 尿液检查 D. 肾盂造影 E. 补液试验 [多选题]"下列选项中,( )等措施可以限制静电的产生、控制静电的积累或消除静电。
A.合理安排物料的投放顺序 B.静电接地 C.空气增湿 D.减少或消除液体的喷溅、冲击 E.限制输送速度" [简答题]至于雨敲在鳞鳞千瓣的瓦上,由远而近,轻轻重重轻轻,夹着一股股的细流沿瓦槽与屋檐潺潺泻下,各种敲击音与滑音密织成网,谁的千指百指在按摩耳轮。“下雨了”,温柔的灰美人来了,她冰冰的纤手在屋顶拂弄着无数的黑健阿灰键,把晌午一下子奏成了黄昏。这段文字选自余光中的《听听那冷雨》。这段文字中用到了哪些修辞手法,在语言表达上又体现了作者怎样的写作特色?
A.电路中 B.外电路中 C.电源内部 D.负载中 [单选题]李某,女,身高150cm,体重50kg,诊断为糖尿病5年。现空腹血糖为3mmol/L,餐后2小时血糖为5mmol/L,该病人最适宜的降血糖药是()
A.二甲双胍 B.格列本脲 C.罗格列酮 D.瑞格列奈 E.阿卡波糖 [单项选择]棱台与棱柱的棱带是沿()连接的。
A. 横向 B. 纵向 C. 轴向 D. 径向 [单项选择]可摘局部义齿固位力的主要来源是固位体与基牙之间的
A. 吸附力 B. 大气压力 C. 摩擦力 D. 黏结力 E. 附着力 [不定项选择题]党组织应该派( )与入党申请人谈话。
A.党支部书记 B.党支部副书记 C.组织委员 D.学习委员 [判断题]道德通过调整人们之间的关系维护社会秩序和稳定。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]肺原性心脏病主要表现是( )
A. 左心房右心室增大 B. 右心室肥大 C. 右心房增大 D. 右心房左心室增大 E. 左心室增大 [填空题]______ (既然这事情非常紧急),we dealt with it immediately.
A.媒体在美国大选中的决定性作用 B.民众心理对美国大选的重要影响 C.美国上世纪六七十年代高速发展的原因 D.1960年美国总统大选的深远意义 [单选题]《银团贷款业务指引》规定,银团贷款( ),通常由牵头行或代理行负责定期召开银团会议,也可由 l/3 以上的银团贷款成员共同提议召开。
A.A-发放前一日 B. B-发放后 C. C-存续期间 D. D-发放前一周 我来回答: 提交