Passage 2
Apollo Program, is an American manned lunar-space program which is designed to land an astronaut on the moon and return him safely to earth, as well as to overtake the former Soviet Union in the race to dominate (统治;支配;控制) space exploration. The whole program was conducted between May 1961 and December 1972 by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and the program successfully landed Nell Armstrong--the first person to walk on the moon--and 11 other astronauts on the moon. The program included 12 manned missions: 2 into earth orbit (Apollo 7 and 9); 2 into lunar orbit (Apollo 8 and 10); 3 lunar landing missions (Apollo 11, 12, and 14); and 3 lunar exploration missions (Apollo 15, 16, and 17), which involved extended stays on the moon's surface and more in depth scientific exploration. A. The whole program was conducted between March 1961 and December 1972 by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). B. The program included 12 man-made missions. C. Daring the same time period, the Soviet Union failed to schedule a manned mission. D. Soviet astronauts never landed on the moon. [判断题]根据《中华人民共和国民法总则》的规定,一般情况下,民事 法律行为自成立时生效。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]不同气质类型的人组成团体,可以产生互补作用。
[单选题]关于新建加氢裂化装置开车准备阶段的试压试验目的,下列说法不正确的是( )。
A.检查并确认静设备的密封性 B.发现安装质量、焊接质量方面的问题 C.观察设备的内部构件 D.发现使用材料方面的问题 [多选题]灾害现场复原主要包括( )等
A.查看灾前图像资料 B.预案 C.战斗位置复原 D.计算机模拟 [多选题]下列关于肺循环的说法,正确的有( )。
A.肺动脉可扩张性高,对血流阻力小 B.肺循环血管可以起贮血库作用 C.肺动脉压比主动脉压低 D.低氧时,肺泡周围的微动脉舒张 [名词解释]电机车
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] (单选题)企业安全生产管理人员对安全检查中发现的问题应当( )。(1.0分)
A.立即处理,对不能处理的及时报告单位负责人 B.提交处理意见经企业负责人审批后处理 C.报告并请示单位负责人处理意见 [单选题]车间(区域、控制中心)级演练每月不少于( )次。
A.A. 1次 B.B. 2次 C.C. 3次 D.D. 4次 [单项选择]Passage 3