There are a couple of big reasons why Microsoft is able to do so much overseas with so little. Firstly, 21 software products are so easy to manufacture, Gates doesn’t have to worry 22 building and operating factories. 23 , Microsoft contracts (承包) out to others to duplicate and package much of its software. Secondly, and just as important, PCs are 24 cheap and easy to set up, unlike minicomputers, that businesses and governments 25 even the poorest and most backward nations can afford 26 . Of course, there are big problems too. Microsoft must adapt (调整) its products to support 27 of different languages and writing schemes, but that’s another task it 28 increasingly farming out to local contractors. Also, software, like computers, faces stiff tariffs (关税) in many developing 29 . Until recently, for example, India demanded 112% duties (关税) on imported high-tech 30 .
30() Let me speak first to parents. You are
the ones who plant, or fail to plant, the seeds of character in your children.
Try from the beginning to put into your children’s minds the capacity to feel
shame by letting them know that, just as there are actions for which they can
win praise, so there are others--lying, cheating, stealing--that are
unacceptable and for which they will be punished. As parents, you are not alone in your efforts to form character. Organizations such as the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts teach accountability and strengthen it with pressure of equals. Churches are also strong helpers. I remember clearly an event from my childhood. In our church’s Sunday school playroom was a set of little lead cowboys and Indians. One day, I took one of them home, and that night my brother A. Parents are very important in helping form the children’s character. B. One can have more than one way to shape character. C. Punishment should be carded out quickly. D. The author ran a mile and a half to avoid the shower of scoldings. [填空题]炙甘草汤为()之剂,临床应用以(),(),(),()为辩证要点。
[单选题] 企业应建立隐患排查治理目标考核机制,形成争先恐后隐患排查的鲜明导向。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]预备党员取消预备党员资格,应当经过( )讨论通过和上级党组织批准。
A.党小组会 B.党支部委员会 C.支部党员大会 D.党委会 [判断题]新领用的的安全带作业前不必要检查。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 承运人利用自备集装箱回空捎运货物,货物按( )计费。
A.自备集装箱适用的运价率 B.集装箱重箱适用的运价率 C.集装箱重箱适用的运价率减20% D.集装箱重箱适用的运价率减30% [判断题]缓降器是由挂钩(或吊环)、吊带、绳索及速度控制等组成,是一种可使人沿着(随)绳(带)缓慢下降的安全营救装置。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]以下程序:
#include<stdio.h> main( ) char str[10]; scanf("%s",&str); printf("%s/n",str); 运行上面的程序,输入字符串how are you,则程序的执行结果是()。 A. how B. how are you C. h D. howareyou [填空题]应急撤离区域.发生硫化氢( ) 时,人员应进行撤离的区域。[每空1分]
[单选题]货物在车地板上的( )不当,造成车辆任意粱件的工作应力超过其许用应力的装载情况称为集重装载。
A.装载加固 B.装载方法 C.加固方式 D.装载布局 [多项选择]高钙血症,见于()
A. 肾癌 B. 骨肉瘤 C. 转移性骨癌 D. 多发性骨髓瘤 E. 原发性甲旁亢 [多选题]个人客户信用评分模型主要依据()的丰富程度,选取不同变量组成评分模型。
A.资产信息 B.征信信息 C.个人基本情况 D.与信用社业务关系 E.贷款用途 [单选题]在有限空间内进行涂装作业,因通风设备故障,可开启井盖进行自然通风后,经准入检测气体合格后,进入有限空间内进行作业。
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [判断题]“甜白”釉创烧于明朝宣德时期。
int m=0,n=0;char c='a'; scanf("%d %c %d",&m,&c,&n); printf("%d,%c,%d/n",m,c,n); 若从键盘上输入:10A10<回车>,则输出结果是()。 A. 10,A,10 B. 16,a,10 C. 10,a,0 D. 10,A,0 [判断题]道岔表示器昼间为中央划有一条鱼尾形黑线的黄色鱼尾形牌表示道岔位置开通直向。( )正确:侧向J446
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]绝缘电阻的数值与(____)有关,在介质接近击穿时,这时阻值将剧烈下降。
A.电流大小 B.电压 C.电量大小 D.电场 [单项选择]( )和合理的人员配备特别是关键岗位人员的素质是保证项目成功实施和运作的重要条件。
A. 项目环境影响分析 B. 高效、精简的项目运作组织 C. 发挥独特的资源优势和特定的投资优势,研究投资开发项目 D. 保证项目顺利运作 [单选题]货舱烟雾面版上TEST钮被按下至少3秒,直到松开时,红色SMOKE灯将闪亮_次,并显示ECAM警告?
A. 1次 B. 2次 C. 3次 D. 4次 [判断题]浮顶油罐与拱顶罐相比,其优点是油品大、小呼吸损耗能大幅度减少。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]列车进入区间发现未携、错携、遗失行车凭证并停车后,司机应与车站值班员(列车调度员)联系,车站值班员(列车调度员)应组织列车退回站内或运行至前方站。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交