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Our analysis therefore suggests that
the real problem facing the black community lies in the educational obstacles
prior to the Ph. D. programs rather than in the pour-in of foreign students.
Equally, our analysis suggests that we ought to treat foreign students as
an important source of brain gain for us and that we ought to facilitate, rather
than hinder, their arrival and their entry into our work force. How could this
be done There is a long-standing provision in our immigration laws under which those who bring in a certain amount of financial capital (which will "create jobs") are allowed to immigrate: A foreigner who invests one million dollars in a commercial enterprise established in a high-unemployment area, which creates jobs for at least ten Americans, is automatically given immigrant status (i.e., a green car A. Foreign students are a new source of financial capital B. P graduates should automatically be given green cards C. Foreign P graduates may function as a kind of capital D. Foreign investors ought to immigrate to high unemployment areas [判断题]缓和曲线与直线连接处不得有反弯或“鹅头”。《修规》第3.1.10条
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]AC023 黏度指数改进剂对于发展冬夏通用、南北通用的( )油品具有重要的意义。
A.喷气燃料 B.普通柴油 C.多级润滑 D.内燃机燃料 [单项选择]国民教育制度中最重要的组成部分是______。
A. 中等教育制度 B. 社会教育制度 C. 学校教育制度 D. 高等教育制度 [单项选择]在1993年至1994年的税制改革中,为了规范土地、房地产市场交易秩序,我国新开征了()
A. 城镇土地使用税 B. 耕地占用税 C. 土地增值税 D. 土地使用税 [单选题]横式泡沫产生器有PC4、PC8、PC6和( )四种。
A.PC18 B.PC24 C.PF32 D.PF64 [多选题]实施深井、地下等相对密闭空间救援时应采取哪些保护措施?( )
A.应佩戴空(氧)气呼吸器或使用移动供气源等防护装备 B.使用正压式排烟机、送风机、气瓶等进行吹扫置换,降毒增氧 C.设置预备力量,做好紧急救助准备 D.设置警戒或围栏,采取支撑稳固措施,防止人员拥挤和井口塌落 E.利用救援三脚架实施救援,提高救援安全效率 [判断题]Ⅱ级防洪地点指雨中或雨后一段时间发生水害的可能性大,一旦发生将严重危及行车安全的处所。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
Since the (21) of the National Environmental Policies Act in 1969, the United States Congress, legislature at the federal level, has (22) a series of laws designed to prevent the air and water pollution and to (23) noise. At the same time, legislatures at the state (24) have also been active in this area, and many states have laws that are similar to the federal laws. (25) ,a state law must not conflict with a federal (26) or (27) an unreasonable burden on interstate commerce. [单选题]《作业许可安全管理规范》:登高作业时警戒线拉设范围应按照登高作业等级进行拉设,30≤作业高度,警戒拉设范围( )米。
A.>3 B.>4 C.>5 D.>6 [不定项选择题]以下哪些网赚类产品,可接受以应用分类上架
A.猜歌答题 B.知识问答 C.角色扮演 D.益智解谜 [单选题]灾害发生后,若需对配电线路、设备进行巡视,应得到( )批准。
A. A.设备运维管理单位领导 B.B.设备运维管理单位 C.C.工作负责人 D.D.值班调控人员 [简答题]应设置排烟口的区域是( )。
[单选题] 2021年政府工作报告指出“十四五”主要目标,基本养老保险参保率提高到( )
A.100% B.80% C.95% D.90% [判断题]生产经营单位应当组织本单位的技术人员和专家对重大事故隐患的治理情况进行评估,不得委托安全评价机构对重大事故隐患的治理情况进行评估。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]ZigBee无线通信技术的标准传输距离一般是( )。
A.100m-1km B.10—75m C.1km-2km D.无限远 我来回答: 提交