The idea of test-tube babies may make
you starry-eyed with delight at the wonders of modern medicine or bleary-eyed
with considering the moral/legal implications of starting life in a laboratory.
But if you’ve ever been pregnant(怀孕的)yourself, one thing is certain: You wonder
what it’s like to carry a test-tube baby. Are these pregnancies normal Are the
babies normal The earliest answers come from Australia, where a group of medical experts at the Queen Victoria Medical Center in Melbourne have taken a look at the continent’s first nine successful test-tube pregnancies. The Australians report that the pregnancies themselves seemed to proceed according to plan, but at birth some unusual trends did show up. Seven of the nine babies turned out to be girls. Six of the nine were delivered by Caesarean s [单选题]表面力是通过直接接触,作用在所取流体表面上的力,简称()。
A.平衡力 B.压力 C.面力 D.摩擦力 [单项选择]静脉输液的目的不包括( )。
A. 纠正水、电解质及酸碱失衡 B. 增加血红蛋白,纠正贫血 C. 补充营养,维持能量 D. 输入药物,治疗疾病 E. 增加循环血量,维持血压 [单选题]()具有促进果实成熟的作用。
A. 生长素 B. 细胞分裂素 C. 乙烯 D. 赤霉素 [单项选择]Reading involves looking at graphic symbols and formulating mentally the sounds and ideas they represent. Concepts of reading have changed (51) over the centuries. During the 1950’s and 1960’s especially, increased attention has been devoted to defining and describing the reading process. (52) specialists agree that reading (53) a complex organization of higher mental (54) , they disagree (55) the exact nature of the process. Some expels, who regard language primarily as a code using symbols to represent sounds, view reading as simply the decoding of symbols into the sounds they stand (56) .
These authorities (57) that meaning, being concerned with thinking, must be taught independently of the decoding process. Others maintain that reading is (58) related to thinking, and that a child who pronounces sounds without (59) their meaning is not truly reading. The reader, according to some, is not just a per A. of B. about C. for D. into [判断题]结账是对指定月份进行结账,电算化中,结账后仍然可以录入已结账期间的记账凭证。
[多选题]关于线槽布缆正确的包括( )
A.选择线槽布放路由。为了不影响美观,应尽量沿踢脚线、门框等布放线槽,并选择弯角较少,且墙壁平整、光滑的路由(能够使用双面胶固定线槽)。 B.选择线槽安装方式(双面胶粘帖方式或螺钉固定方式)。 C.在采用双面胶粘帖方式时,应用布擦拭线槽布放路由上的墙面,使墙面上没有灰尘和垃圾,然后将双面胶帖在线槽及其配件上,并粘帖固定在墙面上。 D.在采用螺钉固定方式时,应根据线槽及其配件上标注的螺钉固定位置,将线槽及其配件固定在墙面上,一般3米直线槽需用6个螺钉进行固定。 [单选题]在乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)基因组S、
A.X区 B.P区 C.S区的PreS基因 D.C区的C基因 E.C区的PreC基因 [单项选择]2013年9月,某企业自行建造一处办公设施,其中材料费300万元,人工费80万元,用于建造办公设施的借款利息为30万元。根据企业会计准则及相关规定,该办公设施的实际成本是()。
A. 300万元 B. 330万元 C. 380万元 D. 410万元 [填空题]当气温降至零下10度以下时,启动钢轨防断 。
[单选题]行车有关人员,在任职、提职、改职前,必须按照铁路职业技能培训规范和相应岗位培训规范要求,进行拟任岗位资格性培训,并经职业技能鉴定和考试考核,取得相应职业资格证书和( )合格证书后,方可任职。
A.岗位培训 B.安全培训 C.技能培训 D.防护员培训 [多项选择] |