M: Will you go to the beach with us tonight, Mary
W: I’ d love to, but my mother wants me to drive her to the airport. She will go to France to see my brother.
The uniqueness of the Japanese
character is the result of two seemingly contradictory forces: the strength of
traditions and selective receptivity to foreign achievements and inventions. As
early as the 1860s, there were counter movements to the traditional orientation.
Yukichi Fukuzawa, the most eloquent spokesman of Japan’s "Enlightenment",
claimed: "The Confucian civilization of the East seems to me to lack two things
possessed by Western civilization: science in the material sphere and a sense of
independence in the spiritual sphere." Fukuzawa’s great influence is found in
the free and individualistic philosophy of the Education Code of 1872, but he
was not able to prevent the government from turning back to the canons of
Confucian thought in the Imperial Rescript of 1890. Another interlude of
relative liberalism followed World War I, when the democratic A. Introducing an analogy. B. Defining a term. C. Presenting statistics. D. Citing an authority. [单选题]防病毒卡能够()。
A.杜绝病毒对计算机的侵害 B.自动消除已感染的所有病毒 C.自动发现病毒入侵的某些迹象 D.自动发现并阻止任何病毒的入侵 [单选题]在下列涉税犯罪行为中,不能由单位构成犯罪的是( )
A.逃税罪 B.抗税罪 C.逃避追缴欠税罪 D.非法出售发票罪 [简答题]重复提问
[单选题]列尾电池组应具有( )的过流保护装置。
A.可恢复 B.溶断功能 C.完整 D.安全 [单选题]珩磨蜗杆除()精度要求低于工作蜗杆外,其余精度要求与工作蜗杆相同。
A.齿距 B.齿形 C.齿厚 D.径向跳动 [单选题]胆道T型引流管冲洗后注入33%硫酸镁15-20ML的目的是() ? ( 1.0 分)
A.松弛括约肌,以利引流 B.镇静、解痉 C.降低血压 D.导泻 E.消炎、止痛 [单项选择]数据库管理系统是( )。
A. 操作系统的一部分 B. 在操作系统支持下的系统软件 C. 一种编译程序 D. 一种操作系统 [判断题]施工地段限速Vmax≤45km/h放行列车时,枕底道砟串实。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]枸橼酸与碳酸氢钠在片剂中的作用是()
A. 稀释剂 B. 吸收剂 C. 润湿剂 D. 润滑剂 E. 崩解剂 [单选题]【单选题】储蓄国债(电子式)起息时间为()。
A.A:购买当日起息 B.B:发行期首日起息 C.C:每年1月1日 [单选题]对高温的防护方法错误的是( )。
A.与高温的物体要保持一定的安全距离 B.向烧红的高温金属物件射水时,要拉下面罩和披肩,采用低姿 C.在高温环境中由于目前装备齐全,作战时间可坚持长久些 D.使用机械破拆工具切割金属时,必须保护好眼睛,防止被灼热金属和强光所伤 [单项选择]指派的防护员必须由经过路局()的人员,持证上岗
A. 施工负责人同意 B. 教育 C. 领导批准 D. 考试合格 我来回答: 提交