"High tech" and "state of the art" are
two expressions that describe the modem technology. High tech is just a shorter
way of saying high technology. And high technology describes any invention,
system of device that uses the newest ideas or discoveries of science and
engineering. What is high tech A computer is high tech. So is a communications
satellite. (79) A modem manufacturing (生产) system is surely high tech. High
tech became a popular expression in the United States during the early 1980’
s. Because of improvements in technology, people could buy many new kinds of
products in American stores, such as home computers, microwave ovens,
etc. "State of the art" is something that is as modem as possible. It is a product that is based on the very latest methods and technology. Something that is "state of the art" is the new A. American stores could provide new kinds of products to people. B. High tech describes a technology that is not traditional. C. "State of the art" is not as popular as "high tech". D. A modem plough pulled by oxen is "state of the art". [单选题]信息安全管理中最核心的要素是( )
A.技术 B.制度 C.人 D.资金 [单选题]必须张贴垃圾公告牌的船舶长度至少是
A.10 米 B.20 米 C.12 米 [单项选择]东汉末年()领导了中国历史上第一次有领导有计划的农民起义。
A. 刘备 B. 张角 C. 张陵 D. 张飞 [单项选择]属于初级胆汁酸的是()
A. 石胆酸 B. 胆酸 C. 脱氧胆酸 D. 雄脱氧胆酸 E. 甘氨脱氧胆酸 [单项选择]桥梁的梁板安装施工的监理重点不包括()。
A. 支座垫石位置、强度和标高 B. 架桥机强度、刚度和稳定 C. 梁板的高度和跨中上拱度 D. 预应力张拉监控 [单选题]到达事故、事件现场的相关处室和站段领导干部要第一时间向局应急办报告,并向到达现场的路局领导报到。现场抢险情况由现场抢险指挥部每( )小时向局应急办报告1次,并对事故、灾害、事件情况进行追踪,随时补报追踪信息。(应急处置-《应急管理工作管理办法》-西铁办函〔2016〕389号)
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 [单选题]pjqs扑救高层建筑火灾的战术要求是( )
A.以固为主,固移结合 B.内攻近战 C.救人第一 D.上堵下防 [单项选择]关于风险识别的方法,不正确的是()
A. 假设分析法 B. 类比调查法 C. 系统分析法 D. 头脑风暴法 我来回答: 提交