Henric Ibsen, author of the play “ A Doll’s House” , in which a pretty, helpless housewife abandons her husband and children to seek a more serious life, would surely have approved. From January 1st, 2008, all public companies in Norway are obliged to ensure that at least 40% of their board directors are women. Most firms have obeyed the law, which was passed in 2003. But about 75 out of the 480 or so companies it affects are still too male for the government’s liking. They will shortly receive a letter informing them that they have until the end of February to act, or face the legal consequences — which could include being dissolved.
Before the law was proposed, about 7% of board members in Norway were female, according to the Centre for Corporate Diversity. The number has since jumped to 36%. That is far higher than the average of 9% for big companies across Europe or America’s 15% for the Fortune 500. Norway’s stock exchange an
A. pay a heavy fine.
B. close down its business.
C. change into a private business.
D. sign a document promising to act.
Section C
This section consists of one passage followed by five questions. Read the passage carefully, and then answer each of the questions in a maximum of 10 words. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.
Attacking an increasingly popular
Internet business practice, a consumer watchdog group Monday filed a complaint
with the Federal Trade Commission, asserting that many online search engines are
concealing the impact special fees have on search results by Internet users.
Commercial Alert, a 3-year-old group founded by consumer activist Ralph Nader,
asked the FTC to investigate whether eight of the Web’s largest search engines
are violating federal laws against deceptive advertising. The group said that the search engines are abandoning objective formulas, to determine the order of their listed results and selling the top spots to the highest bidders without making adequate disclosures to Web surfers. The complaint touches a hot-button issue affecting tens of millions of people who submit search queries each day. With more than A. special fees that Internet users were charged B. Federal Trade Commission C. Commercial Alert D. online search engines [单选题]《DL/T 676-2012》:绝缘鞋的级别分为( )个级别。
A.A-2 B.B-3 C.C-4 D.D-5 [填空题]在螺杆式冷水机组制冷系统中,制冷剂在螺杆式压缩机中经过吸气、压缩、()三个过程
[单选题]不思考人的生命的意义,对什么事情都显得无所谓,当一天和尚撞一天钟,这实际上是( )人生观的表现。
A.庸碌无为 B.拜金主义 C.享乐主义 D.个人主义 [判断题]无产阶级革命的前途是社会主义,而资产阶级革命的前途则是资本主义。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]曲线地段检查时,要对照曲线的几何要素,将轨距尺放在曲线各点进行检查,并将曲线的五大桩位用“Δ”标记,并用汉语拼音大写字母ZH、HY、QZ、YH、HZ如实填写在《线路检查记录簿》中的“轨向、高低及其他”栏内的对应位置,曲线半径、超高、顺坡率填写在记录本右上方。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]双线区段应采用( )。
A.半自动闭塞 B.自动站间闭塞 C.计轴自动闭塞 D.自动闭塞 [判断题]爆破片装置泄放反应的动作比安全阀迅速。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 电气设备应与通风、正压系统联锁。运行前必须( ),通过的气体量大于系统容积的5倍时才能接通电气设备的电源。
A.先通风 B.后通风 C.不需通风 D.通风、不通风均可 我来回答: 提交