Fear seems to be the dominant mood of the moment. Hurricanes, tidal waves, floods, earthquakes and terrorism this year have all brought with them not only appalling scenes of devastation, death and suffering, but also outrage at the lack of preparations to avoid or cope with these disasters. Now even the birds of the air are a threat, we are told. That migrating flock visible On the horizon at sunset, once a consoling reminder of the eternal rhythms of nature, could be carrying the virus which might soon kill tens of millions of people.
Given the many fingers pointed at governments in the wake of other disasters this year, it is hardly surprising that they are scrambling to respond to the threat posed by avian influenza. After confirmation this week that the HSN1 strain of bird flu, which has been spreading quickly in Asia, had been discovered in Romania and perhaps Greece, European Union foreign ministers convened an emergency meeting. President George Bush, still smarti
A. strong resentment resulted from the lack of preparations to cope with recent disasters
B. the dominant mood of the moment resulted in the appalling scenes of devastation
C. tens of millions of people could carry the virus on the horizon
D. reminder of the eternal rhythms of nature emerged at sunset to avoid these disasters
甲股份有限公司(以下简称甲公司)适用的所得税税率为25%,假定不考虑其他纳税调整事项,该公司按照净利润的10%提取盈余公积。甲公司2007年度财务报告于2008年3月20日批准对外报出,所得税于2008年2月25日汇算清缴完毕。甲公司发生有关事项如下: (1)2007年12月1日,甲公司因其产品质量问题对吴某造成人身伤害,被吴某提起诉讼,要求赔偿50万元,至12月31日,法院尚未作出判决。甲公司预计该项诉讼很可能败诉,赔偿金额估计在45~51万元之间,并且还需要支付诉讼费用2万元。考虑到公司已就该产品质量向保险公司投保,公司基本确定可从保险公司获得赔偿金20万元。 (2)2008年2月15日,法院判决甲公司向吴某赔偿45万元,并负担诉讼费用2万元,甲公司和吴某均不再上诉。 (3)2008年2月21日,甲公司从保险公司获得产品质量赔偿款20万元,并于当日用银行存款支付了对吴某的赔偿款和诉讼费用。 要求:根据上述资料,不考虑其他情况,回答下列1至4题。 |
A common assumption about the private sector in education is that it caters only to the elite. (1) , recent research points in the opposite direction. If we want to help some of most (2) groups in society, then encouraging deeper private sector (3) is likely to be the best way forward.
Several developments are (4) in India, all of which involve the private education sector meeting the needs of the poor in distinct ways. But India is not (5) in this respect—— similar phenomena are happening all over the developing world.
As a point of (6) , how do government schools serve the poor Usefully, the government sponsored Public Report on Basic Education in India from 1999 paints a very (7) picture of the" (8) "of the government schools for the poor. When researchers (9) unannounced on their random (10) of schools, only 5% had any "teaching activity" going on. Alarmingly, the team noted that the (11) of teaching standards was not to do (12)
A. specimen
B. example
C. designation
D. sample