In the relationship of education to business we observe today a fine state of paradox. On the one hand, the emphasis which most business places upon a college degree is so great that one can almost visualize the time when even the office boy will have his baccalaureate. On the other hand, we seem to preserve the belief that some deep intellectual chasm separates the businessman from other products of the university system. The notion that business people are quite the Philistines sounds absurd. For some reason, we tend to characterize vocations by stereotypes, none too flattering but nonetheless deeply imbedded in the national conscience. In the cast of characters the businessman comes on stage as a ill-mannered and simple-minded person. It is not a pleasant conception and no more truthful or less unpleasant than our other stereotypes.
Business is made up of people with all kinds of backgrounds, all kinds of motivations, and all kinds of tastes, just as in any other form
A. People in all vocations are unwilling to conform to a general pattern.
B. Conformity is a special characteristic of business.
C. Businessmen are all original thinkers.
D. Businessmen are provided with greater opportunities than people in other professions.
A省的甲公司于2006年1月通过签订使用许可合同获得某外国企业在中国注册的“金太阳”电脑商标独占使用权及其操作系统M软件的使用权,批量组装“金太阳”电脑。2007年7月,甲公司与A省的乙公司签订委托销售合同,约定乙公司以自己的名义销售100台“金太阳”电脑,销售价格为每台3000元,每销售一台收取代销费300元。同年9月,乙公司向B省的丙大学以每台3000元的价格卖出70台“金太阳”电脑,合同约定丙大学当日支付15万元,提货50台,另20台电脑由丙大学开办的具有法人资格的丁公司收货并付款,同时合同还约定如发生纠纷由“起诉一方所在地法院管辖”。同年10月初,丁公司收到乙公司发运的20台“金太阳”电脑,并将该批电脑进行赢利性出租,但丁公司多次以资金困难为由拒绝了乙公司的付款要求。2008年3月,乙公司将尚未卖出的30台电脑的“金太阳”商标清除,更换为戊公司的注册商标“银河”,并以每台4000元的价格卖给不知情的李某2台,李某将其中一台赠送给好友胡某。 |