The relationship between formal
education and economic growth in poor countries is widely misunderstood by
economists and politicians alike. Progress in both areas is undoubtedly
necessary for the social, political and intellectual development of these and
all other societies; however, the conventional view that education should be one
of the very highest priorities for promoting rapid economic development in poor
countries is wrong. We are fortunate that it is, because building new
educational systems there and putting enough people through them to improve
economic performance would require two or three generations. The findings of a
research institution have consistently shown that workers in all countries can
be trained on the job to achieve radically higher productivity and, as a result,
radically higher standards of living. Iron A. results directly from competitive environments B. does not depend on economic performance C. follows improved productivity D. cannot afford political changes [单项选择]肠结核最好发的部位是().
A. 直肠、乙状结肠 B. 降结肠 C. 横结肠 D. 升结肠 E. 回盲部 [单选题]《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》(Q/CSG510001-2015):装、拆接地线导体端应使用( )或专用绝缘绳,人体不得碰触接地线。
A.木棒 B.金属棒 C.绝缘棒 D.竹棒 [判断题]电子巡查系统应能对巡检地点、时间和人员编制不同的巡检计划。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]关于宫内节育器的并发症,说法不正确的是
A.子宫内膜炎 B.输卵管炎 C.节育器嵌顿 D.节育器异位 E.带器妊娠 [单选题]子宫内膜除胎盘附着面外,被新生内膜修复的时间是产后
A.7天 B.14天 C.3周 D.4周 E.5周 [判断题]充电机的三种运行状态是正常运行,AC345V47HZ;外部供电,AC380V50HZ;停放整备状态AC440V60HZ。
A.正确 B.错误 [名词解释]“应付账款”账户
[单选题]直线杆顺线路方向位移不应超过设计档距的( )。
A.2% B.3% C.4% D.5% [单项选择]Assistant To Public Relations Manager
Business Press is the world’s most respected publisher of business news. PR and publicity play (29) essential part in ensuring our continued (30) and this is an outstanding opportunity that (31) also be the start of a career (32) Public Relations. (33) directly to our PR Manager, you will run her office and learn quickly to do just about everything. Filing documents, taking calls (34) journalists and answering their questions are all included in (35) You will also help to organise events and visits, prepare reports (36) month and generally help to run an efficient press office. The perfect candidate will have a (37) standard of education, strong communication skills and an excellent telephone (38) Professional secretarial qualifications are an advantage. A minimum of two years’ experience, (39) should be within a busy office, is essential. You will A. deep B. wide C. high [单选题]因承运人责任致使旅客退票时,在发站( )。
A.退还全部票价 B.退还已收票价 C.退还已使用部分票价 D.退还已乘区间 [单选题]“医乃仁术”指医学道德是( )
A.医学的本质特征 B.医学活动中的一般现象 C.医学的非本质要求 D.医学的个别性质 E.个别医务人员的追求 [多项选择]开学初,某民族学院一位新来的系领导设家宴招待来自全国各地的少数民族学生。他特地到很远的农村买了几条肥壮的鳝鱼,使出自己的绝招烧好一盘鳝鱼。谁知,当这盘鳝鱼端上桌时,有几位同学立即以各种借口离席而去。你知道这几位离席同学的民族身份吗( )。
A. 蒙古族 B. 回族 C. 维吾尔族 D. 藏族 E. 壮族 [多项选择]运动疗法应用于烧伤康复中的相对禁忌证有()
A. 关节功能障碍 B. 锻炼时患者的脉率超过(170-患者年龄)次/分 C. C.患者的收缩压>180mmHg(1mmHg=0.133kP,或舒张压>120mmHg或舒张压突然升高20mmHg D. 训练时患者出现呼吸困难、面色苍白、皮肤冰凉、未烧伤耳郭由粉红色转变为苍白色 E. 患者感觉明显疲劳和心电图有心肌缺血表现时 [简答题]《队列条令》
[单选题]设在县城的A企业代收代缴市区B企业的消费税,对B企业城建税的处理办法是( )。
A.由B企业在市区按7%缴纳城建税 B.由B企业将7%的城建税交A企业代收代缴 C.由B企业按7%的税率自行选择纳税地点 D.由A企业按5%的税率代收代缴B企业的城建税 [填空题]邮政业务的三项基本制度是交接验收、勾挑核对和()。
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