Passage One Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage. Among the company was a lawyer,a young man of about twenty-five. On being asked his opinion,he said,“Capital punishment and life imprisonment are equally immoral. If I were to make a choice between them,I would rather choose the latter. Anyway,it’s better to live than not to live at all. ” A lively discussion followed. A banker,who was then younger and more nervous than the lawyer,suddenly lost his temper and cried out,“It’s a lie. I bet you two millions. You wouldn’t stick in a cell even for five years. ” “If you mean it,”replied the young lawyer,“I bet I’ll stay there longer;make it fifteen instead of five. ” “Fifteen!Done!”cried the banker. “Gentleman. I bet you two millions. ” “A A. he was younger than the banker B. capital punishment was immoral C. it was better than capital punishment D. the banker would give him $200,000 [单项选择]Although I know that many of you think the opposite, most human beings have a high level of intelligence, a good memory and can solve problems easily. They live longer and therefore tend to be much more aware of past and future than we are. They communicate by a set of sounds which carry meaning from the order in which they are placed, and which vary from territory to territory, so that some humans find difficulty in communicating with others according to where they come from--if they have been raised in different country and have not had special training. Humans have also invented a set of marks on paper which they use to represent these sounds and which you may often see them concentrating on. In these two ways they have developed their eyes and ears to a higher level of interpretation than ourselves, but in doing so they have lost the ability to gather much of the information which we continually do both from these and our other senses.
Most dogs are able to interpret at least A. in order to devise speech and writing systems B. because they cannot gather information from other senses C. because they have undergone language courses at school D. so they can make the best of their ability to know others [填空题]计算机对外部设备的输入输出有4种控制方式:通道方式、循环测试I/O方式、中断处理方式和______方式。
[多选题]变压器并联运行的条件是( )。
A.变压比相等 B.阻抗电压相等 C.无载调压 D.接线组别相同 [多项选择]幼年型慢性粒细胞白血病( )
A. 多急性起病 B. 肝、脾、淋巴结肿大 C. 多伴发皮疹 D. 易急变 E. 常规化疗效果不好 [单选题]下列属于登乘车辆巡视的是:( )。
A.添乘动车巡视和确认车添乘巡视 B.作业车升平台巡视 C.作业车不升平台巡视 D.以上都是 [多项选择]在宣告判决前人民检察院要求撤回起诉,人民法院作出准许撤诉裁定后人民检察院又对该案重新起诉的,什么情况下人民法院应当受理()
A. 依据新的事实重新起诉 B. 提出新的证据材料重新起诉 C. 对同一事实以新的罪名重新起诉 D. 依据新的法律规定重新起诉 [单选题]电缆垂直固定支架间距应不大于( ),使电缆固定牢固,受力均匀; 电缆在支架上固定时应加装绝缘垫层,电缆支架抱箍安装的松紧度应( )。 ( )
A.1.5m 偏松 B.1.6m 适中 C.1.7m 偏紧 D.1.8m 适中 [判断题]徒手防卫技术中上肢防护技术有格挡、搂抓、提膝、躲闪。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列不属于制作火灾现场勘验笔录应注意事项()。
A.内容客观准确 . B.顺序合理:笔录记载的顺序应当与现场勘验的顺序一致,笔录记载的内容要有逻辑性 C.叙述简繁适当:与认定火灾原因.火灾责任有关的火灾痕迹物证应详细记录 D.使用通俗易懂的语言准确记录 [单选题]戴明模式4个阶段的循环组成简称( )。
A.PADC B.PDAC C.PDCA D.上述3项都不对 [单选题]下列机械安全防护装置中,仅能对操作者提供保护的是( )。
A.联锁安全装置 B.双手控制安全装置 C.自动安全装置 D.隔离安全装置 [单项选择]本体指天地万物的内在基础。在天地形成之后,作为天地基础的本体并不消失,而继续作为天地万物的内在依据永恒存在着,这是所谓本体。在老子的学说中,道在生成天地万物之后依然是天地万物的深藏的依据。所以()。
A. 老子的学说是一种本体论 B. 老子的学说成为道家思想的哲学基础 C. 老子的学说与本体论相互补充 D. 老子的学说与本体论相互矛盾、对立 [判断题]发现因客户责任引起的电能计量装置损坏,应责令客户确认,并在工作单上签字。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]捆扎烟包时捆腰绳应( )。
A.横二竖三 B.横三竖二 C.横三竖四 D.横四竖三 [单选题] 换抽油机井皮带时, 如用顶丝达不到“四点一线”时,可调整( )。
A.滑轨 B.游梁 C.横梁 D.底座 [单选题]《技规》第319条规定:使用( )法行车时,列车凭出站信号机或线路所通过信号机显示的允许运行的信号进入区间。
A.自动闭塞 B.半自动闭塞 C.自动站间闭塞 D.电话闭塞 [单选题]健康教育的最终目的是
A.了解疾病的发展规律 B.增进人们的健康知识 C.使人们自愿地采取健康生活方式 D.使人们有效地利用现有卫生资源 E.改善人们的健康状况,提高人们的生活 质量 [多选题]会计账簿包括()。
A.总账 B.明细账(分户账) C.日记账 D.其他辅助性账簿 [单选题]公司物资部按月通报闲置库存,督促各单位开展闲置物资利用工作,( )闲置物资。
A.持续减少 B.每年减少 C.定量减少 D.压缩减少 [判断题]架子工不应接受消防安全技术交底。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]断路器、隔离开关等GOOSE开入采用双位置数据时,其中“00”表示( )。
A.中间态 B.分位 C.合位 D.无效态 [单项选择]某企业银行存款期初借方余额是220000,本期借方发生额为:100000,贷方发生额为98000元。那么,期末银行存款余额是( )。
A. 借方222000元 B. 贷方222000元 C. 借方220000元 D. 贷方220000元 [单选题]下列()属于辅助安全用具。
A.绝缘手套、绝缘靴 B.绝缘棒、绝缘夹钳 C.携带型接地线、临时遮栏 [判断题]电流互感器和电压互感器的二次绕组应有一点永久性的、可靠的保护接地。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交