Happiness is (21) everyone looks for. Maybe someone says that he is (22) . However, what makes him happy may not (23) for Others. And even worse, someone may spend all his (24) looking for happiness, but in vain(徒然).
In the past, I tried my best to (25) myself happy. I thought if I could freely get and do what I wanted to, I (26) be happy. Certainly, it was possible but I was (27) Though I could be happy at times, I couldn’t keep my happiness for a long time. Why One day, when I told a friend of mine what I (28) about happiness, he smiled and said only a few words, "Happiness is not a single thing but a by- product(副产品)." I was surprised, but he was really (29)
Someone thinks money can (30) everything, but when he becomes a millionaire after his work, perhaps he (31) find that he has new (32) . And he has to go to church for
(33) . Sometimes love can
A. get
B. buy
C. produce
D. bring
Passage 3 Security is required on loans for several reasons. One of the most common is probably the borrower’s financial weakness. Such weakness may be indicated by several factors, including heavy obligations to creditors, poor management, and insufficient income. Borrowers in this financial condition can strengthen their credit by pledging certain assets. Having a secured loan may also be a psychological advantage for a bank. As long as the borrower has greater equity in the pledged assets than does the bank and the bank is in a preferred position and can foreclose in the event the loan agreement is broken, the borrower has a strong incentive to repay the obligation. The length of a loan also has a bearing on whether it will be secured. As the term of the loan lengthens, the risk of non-repayment increases. Loans for purchasing rea A. individuals with steady job held for years B. individuals with a good credit record C. large commercial companies with a strong financial condition D. all of the above [单项选择]患者,42岁。生育史:1-0-2-1,2年前患过葡萄胎,近来进行性头痛1个月,突然偏瘫、失语、失明、抽搐,继之昏迷2小时,检查:子宫稍大、稍软,附件无异常。为迅速确诊应行( )
A. 绒毛膜促性腺激素测定 B. 脑脊液检查 C. 脑血管造影、 D. 诊断性刮宫术 E. 宫腔镜检查 [多项选择]房地产价格的形成条件有( )。
A. 房地产的需要 B. 房地产的有用性 C. 房地产的有效需求 D. 房地产的相对稀缺性 E. 房地产的有效供给 [填空题]隔离开关只能通断一定的()电流,负荷开关能通断()电流,断路器能通断()电流。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]引起猝死最常见的心律失常是()
A.心房颤动 B.心房扑动 C.心室颤动 D.阵发性室上性心动过速 E.频发性室性期前收缩 [多选题]客运值班员因送行、( )、( )、( )、交接班、( )无法配合AFC维修人员进行维修工作时,可将TVM门钥匙借给车站其他站务人员,由车站人员使用钥匙打开TVM维修门并陪同AFC维修人员进行维修工作。维修工作结束后,TVM门钥匙须及时返还客运值班员
A.清点钱箱 B.顶岗 C.结账 D.处理乘客事务 [单选题]下列词语中划线字的注音完全正确的一项是( )
A. 娴熟(xián) 休憩(qì) 揠苗助长(yà) B. 褴褛(lǔ) 栖息(qī) 韬光养晦(tāo) C. 恐吓(hè) 对峙(chì) 义愤填膺(yīng) D. 秀颀(qí) 隘口(yì) 锲而不舍(qiè) [多项选择]IPv6在设计之初就要求实现的目标包括以下哪些()
A. 支持几乎无限大的地址空间 B. 减小路由表的大小 C. 使路由协议工作更简单高效 D. 设计取代IPSec的安全协议 E. 允许新旧协议共存一段时间 [单选题]1.4 对于机动车转出后尚未办理转入前,因交通事故等原因更换了发动机、车身或者车架的,应当_______。
A.由转出地车管所办理变更登记 B.不予办理转入 C.由转入地车管所办理转入时一并办理变更登记 D.只办理转入 [多项选择]公安机关消防机构根据需要可以传唤有关人员的情况是()
A. 娱乐场所营业前消防安全检查 B. 依法实施行政处罚 C. 依法调查火灾 D. 实施消防监督抽查 E. 进行消防设计审核 我来回答: 提交