M: Last time I talked about the student services in the college. Today I’d like to talk about the Counselling Services. The College Counselling Service is located in the North Building. The counsellors are Ms Penny Rawson and Ms Ann David. I have asked Ms Rawson to join us today to discuss their role. Ms Rawson...
W: Thank you. Both Ann and I are full-time counsellors. Students either come tons on their own or are referred to us by a tutor. We see students individually, run group therapy sessions and courses of sessions as we think necessary. We are here to help with any problems no matter how great or small, such as homesickness, relationship difficulties, death and separation, sexual problems, undue stress due to work and so on. You will not be the first to be homesick, find college life stressful, or decisions problematic. So please don’t hesitate to come and have a chat if there is anything bothering you.
This is a confidential service but we are w
A. Strained relationship with boyfriend or girlfriend.
B. Financial difficulties.
C. Excessive stress of work.
D. Death of a close relative
There is a growing body of evidence that suggests that our brain processes information in at least two major systems. The image system appears to be associated with the right hemisphere of the brain. This hemisphere seems to be specialized to process visual and auditory imagery, spatial representation, pure melodic thought, fantasy, and the emotional components of consciousness. Imagery allows us to continue to process information when we are not actively looking at or listening to new stimuli, It reproduces the sounds or sights of the past, enriching our thoughts, dreams, or fantasies with a sense of "actuality" or context. As a coding system, imagery operates by what is called "parallel" processing, e. g., we imagine the face of a friend in one instantaneous configuration.
The lexical system is largely coordinated through the left hemisphere of the brain, and its chief functions include language and grammatical organization, abstract conceptualizatio
A. Reading exercises our brain more than watching television but television is a necessity.
B. If we want to make full use of our brain, we have to understand different functions of the right and left hemisphere.
C. By analyzing imagery and lexical systems, the writer thinks it is more beneficial to us to read than to watch television.
D. Both imagery and lexical systems, which are associated with language learning, seem essential for the highest levels of thought.
Conversation 1
M: What can I do for you
W: Yes, I would like to place an order.
M: Alright, Ma’am. What items would you like to order today
W: All right. (6)I want to order the satin sheets on page 34.
M: And what size and color would you like
W: I need one full set of sheets in King-size and Ivory.
M: So that is product number MS3419. Size: King. Color: Ivory. Is that correct
W: Yes, I think so.
M: All right. With shipping charges, (7)your total will be 78 dollars and 95 cents. Will you be paying in cash
W: Yes.
M: All right, Ma’am. I will run that charge for you. And then I will get your address in a moment.