One of the greatest mysteries of the
world, for ’which scientist have so far been unable to find any satisfactory
explanation, is the Bermuda Triangle, sometime called "the Graveyard of the
Atlantic." This is an area of the western Atlantic between Bermuda and Florida,
roughly triangular in shape where since 1945 at least a hundred ships and planes
and over a thousand people have disappeared. No wreckage had been found, no
bodies, lifebelts or any other evidence of disater. It is as if these planes,
ships and people had never existed. In some cases a routine radio message has
been received from aircraft reporting everything in order a few minutes before
all contact was lost, in others a weak S. O. S message has been picked up and,
in perfect weather, inexplic A. inexplicable to scientists B. known only to laymen C. known only to scientists D. comprehensible only to scientists [单选题]在整个理想体系中.最根本、最重要的是( )
A.社会理想 B.个人理想 C.政治理想 D.道德理想 [单选题]智能电源屏故障发生前后瞬间的电源的有关参数记录和数据对了解和分析故障的发生、发展和形成的全过程,对帮助处理故障有(),同时也可以为避免今后再次发生类似事故提供宝贵经验。
A.A、间接作用 B.B、直接电极 C.C、间接效力 D.D、直接作用 [单选题]学习策略是学习者制订的学习计划,由( )构成。
A.意识和能力 B.规则和技能 C.经验和方法 D.认知策略 [单选题]有关网络域名系统的描述中,不正确的是。( )
A.网络域名系统的缩写为DNS B.每个域名可以由几个域组成,域与域之间用“.”分开 C.域名中的最左端的域称为顶级域 D.CN是常用的顶级域名代码 [单选题]断路器防跳功能应由(____)实现。
A.A.断路器本体机构 B.操作箱 C.断路器保护 D.线路保护 [单选题]35千伏变电站站用直流全部失电为( )。
A.六级设备事件 B.七级设备事件 C.八级设备事件 [单项选择]脊髓损伤ASIA损伤程度分级中,其中C级为()
A. 完全性损伤 B. 不完全损伤,损伤平面以下包括骶段有感觉但无运动功能 C. 不完全损伤,损伤平面以下存在运动功能,大部分关键肌肌力3级以下 D. 不完全损伤,损伤平面以下存在运动功能,大部分关键肌肌力3级或以上 E. 正常 [单选题]轨距是两股钢轨轨头顶面下( )范围内两钢轨作用边之间的最小距离。
A.14mm B.15mm C.16mm D.18mm E.略 我来回答: 提交