Much of the language used to describe
monetary policy, such as "steering the economy to a soft landing" or "a touch on
the brakes", makes it sound like a precise science. Nothing could be further
from the truth. The link between interest rates and inflation is uncertain. And
there are long, variable lags before policy changes have any effect on the
economy. Given all these disadvantages, central bankers seem to have had much to boast of about late. Average inflation in the big seven industrial economies fell to a mere 2.3% last year, close to Its lowest level in 30 years, before rising slightly to 2.5% this July. This is a long way below the double-digit rates which many countries experienced in the 1970s and early 1980s. It is also less than most forecasters had predicted. In late 1994 the A. A.the previous economic models are still applicable extremely low jobless rate will lead to inflation C.a high unemployment rate will result from inflation D.interest rates have an immediate effect on the economy [多项选择]关于金银首饰消费税政策,下列陈述正确的有()。
A. 金银首饰出口不退、进口不征消费税 B. 用已税的珠宝玉石生产的金银镶嵌首饰,在计税时一律不得扣除已纳消费税 C. 镀金首饰仍属于零售环节征收消费税 D. 纳税人以“以旧换新”的销售方式销售金银首饰,应按实际收取的不含税价款计算消费税 E. 翻新改制的金银首饰,其纳税义务发生时间为受托方交货的当天 [单选题]中国南方电网有限责任公司《中低压配电运行标准》规定一般缺陷应尽快处理一般不超过()。
A.24小时 B.72小时 C.7天 D.180天 [单项选择]患者咽中不适,如有物梗阻,咯之不出,咽之不下,胸中窒闷,舌苔白腻,脉弦滑。其证候是
A. 气滞痰郁 B. 肝气郁结 C. 气郁化火 D. 痰浊上扰 E. 忧郁伤神 [名词解释]广告市场
A.体温表和血压计 B.听诊器 C.手电筒和压舌板 D.抢救车和吸引器 E.棉签和弯盘 [填空题]当站台人员听到列车预告广播时应立即站在()立岗,站立时应采取立正、左手()、右手(),目光注视乘客动向。
A.胸膜斑的大小和数量与肺内纤维化病变可不一致 B.病变后期大体肺切面可见灰白色纤维化索条和网架 C.胸膜受累较常见 D.组织切片或痰液中可检出其独有的含铁小体 E.以肺间质弥漫性胶原纤维增生为主要特征 [单项选择]
A system's architecture is a representation of a system in which there is a mapping of (1) onto hardware and software components, a mapping of the (2) onto the hardware architecture, and a concem for the human interaction with these components. That is, system architecture is concerned with a total system, including hardware, software, and humans. Software architectural structures can be divided into three major categories, depending on the broad nature of the elements they show.1) (3) embody decisions as a set of code or data units that have to be constructed or procured. 2) (4) embody decisions as to how the system is to be structured as set of elements that have runtime behavior and interactions. 3) (5) embody decisions as to how the system will relate to nonsoftware structures in its environment (such as CPUs, file systems, networks, development teams, etc. ). 空白(1)处应选择()A. attributes B. constraint C. functionality D. Requirements [单选题]VGPIO 关键通用输入输出模块 驱动和采集轨旁设备,具有( )个安全电压感应输入;具有8个安全继电传动输出。
A.8 B.16 C.10 [单选题]以下哪种情况不是老年人使用冰袋降温的禁忌( )。
A.组织破损处 B.局部血液循环不良处 C.对冷格外敏感的老年人 D.体表大血管处 E.皮肤组织炎症部位 [单项选择]女性,32岁。发作性头痛4年,部位不定,每次持续数小时至1d,发作前视物有模糊暗影,神经系统体检无明显阳性体征发现。脑CT未见异常,其母有类似发作史,患者头痛发作早期首选药物为()
A. 麦角胺咖啡因 B. 阿司匹林 C. 苯巴比妥 D. 苯噻啶 E. 卡马西平 [多选题]灭火救援动态前置的理论依据是()。
A. 是遵循火灾扑救基本规律的要求 B. 是落实等级战备措施的要求 C. 是落实灭火战略战术的要求 D. 是上级领导的要求 [单选题]有限空间申请单经过批准许可后,作业过程中因工作需要,可经工作负责人同意临时变更工作地点。
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [简答题]各种联锁设备驼峰除外)应满足哪些条件?
A.2400bps B.3600bps C.7200bps D.4800bps [单项选择]中央银行通过减少货币供给量,使利率提高,从而抑制投资,压缩社会总需求,限制经济增长的政策是( )。
A. 扩张型货币政策 B. 紧缩型货币政策 C. 扩张型财政政策 D. 紧缩型财政政策 [单选题]下列各项中,属于公安机关治安管理处罚种类的是( )
A. 警告 B.没收违法所得 C.责令停产停业 D.收缴 [单项选择]子宫复旧是指
A. 产妇产后机体各生理功能自然回复到非妊娠时状态 B. 产妇产后全身各器官(除乳腺)从胎盘娩出到恢复未孕状态所需的时期 C. 妊娠子宫自胎盘娩出后逐渐恢复到未孕状态的过程 D. 产妇产后从妊娠、分娩期的不适、疼痛、焦虑中恢复 E. 产妇产后从紧张状态恢复到平静状态 [单选题] 水带铺设时如通过铁路,水带应铺设水带护桥。( )(中)
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交