"It was the beginning of a revolution in America and the world, a revolution that some have yet to acknowledge and many have yet to appreciate," says Harold Skramstad, president of the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan. 17767 No indeed: 1896, when Frank Duryea finally perfected the Duryea Motor Wagon. At its first airing, the contraption rolled less than 100 metres before the transmission froze up. But by the end of 1896 Duryea had sold 13 of them, thus giving birth to the American motor industry.
That industry (whose roots, outside America, are usually attributed to tinkerings by Messrs Daimler and Benz in Germany) is being celebrated hugely over the coming months, culminating with a Great American Cruise in Detroit in June. "Our goal is to attract the greatest collection of antique and classic cars this nation has ever seen in one place at one time," says Mr. Skramstad modestly.
Americans may indeed blame the car for almost everything t
A. cars provide them with freedom, which is invaluable to Americans
B. the motor industry employ one in seven workers in their manufacturing plants
C. the ownership of cars will signify one’s social status
D. shopping bags have annoyingly lost their carrying handles and shoppers ceased to be pedestrian
内指性,是文学语言组织的一个普遍的和基本的特征,是文学语言的无需外在验证而内在自足的特性。文学的语言并不一定指向外在客观世界,而是往往返身指向它自身的内在世界,这与日常语言有着明显不同。 日常语言往往是指向外在客观世界的,要“及物”,要经得起客观生活事实的验证,否则,就会被认为是说假话或讲错话。(例如有人问你:“黄河水从哪里来”就连小孩子也会知道回答:“黄河水从山上来”,或“黄河水从青藏高原来”,更具体而准确地说是“黄河发源于青藏高原巴颜喀拉山脉”)。但是,诗人却可以不顾这一“地理学事实”而说成:“黄河之水天上来”。看起来,李白的这一诗意语言是“失真”的,因为它竟违背了一般地理常识;但是,这一有意“失真”的描述却一句千钧地凸现出黄河的巨大气势和宏伟气象,并使这一描述本身成为有关黄河描述的千古绝响。为什么呢这是由于,正是这句不顾“地理学事实”的极尽夸张和虚构能事的描述,才尽情地展现出黄河在诗人和其他世人心中留下的真实的震撼性体验。同理,说“白发三千丈”,也不符合生活事实,但这样的语言却更能传达诗人内心的极度愁闷。这表明,文学语言总是返身指向内在心灵世界的,是内在的自足。换言之,它总是遵循人的情感和想像的逻辑行事,而并不一定寻求与外在客观事实相符。文学语言的美正源于此。这正表明,文学语言的内指性有助于形成文学的心理蕴含性。