Male and Female Pilots Cause Accidents
Differently Male pilots flying general aviation (private) aircraft in the United States are more likely to crash due to inattention or flawed decision making. While female pilots are more likely to crash from mishandling (错误地处理) the aircraft (航行器). These are the results of a study by researchers at the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health. The study identifies the differences between male and female pilots in terms of circumstances of the crash and the type of pilots error involved. "Crashes of general aviation aircraft account for 85 percent of all aviation deaths" in the United States. The crash rate for male pilots as for motor vehicle drivers, exceeds that of crashes of female pilots, " explains Susan P. Baker, MPH, pro A. Causes of aircraft crash. B. Gender difference in relation to types of aircraft crashes. C. Causes of mishandling aircraft. D. Gender discrimination in general aviation in the United States. [单项选择]属于中国早期的社会调查的著作是()。
A. 《定县社会概况调查》 B. 《清河:一个社会学的分析》 C. 《沙南农民调查报告》 D. 《华南乡村生活》 [单项选择]母线保护与其他保护之间的联闭锁信号(失灵启动、母联断路器过流保护启动失灵、主变保护动作解除电压闭锁等)采用()传输。
A. GOOSE网络 B. SV网络 C. GOOSE点对点连接 D. 直接电缆连接 [多项选择]隔爆型防爆电气设备外壳防爆结合面的主要参数有()。
A. 间隙 B. 宽度 C. 电气间隙 D. 表面粗糙 [单项选择]Crocodiles only live where it is hot. They are found in India, Australia, Africa and America. The crocodile is an egg-producing animal. They spend most of their time lying around in the mud or the rivers. The female crocodiles bury their eggs under the mud. The crocodile’s long powerful tail is used when the animal is swimming. It is also an excellent weapon, because it can be swung with great speed and force. One blow will knock down a man or even a big animal at once. The crocodile is very well protected against its enemies by the hard bony plates that cover most of its body, but because of the way its neck is formed, it can not turn its head from side to side and so it can only see in front of itself. The crocodile has its teeth cleaned by another crocodile, which can’t clean its own teeth for it can’t move its tongue up and down. With its rows of terrible points of teeth it seizes its food, which may be a fish, an animal or even a careless man, and then holds it below the water unt
A. wild B. stupid C. gentle D. slow [单选题]BAB001 4 1 1
通常在裂解炉烟道挡板全关的情况下启动风机是因为( )。 A.防止裂解炉负压过低 B.防止裂解炉烟道挡板损坏 C.防止风机过载 D.防止风机振动过大 [配伍题]微血管病性溶血是|
A. 过敏性紫癜 B. 单纯性紫癜 C. 血友病 D. 原发性血小板减少性紫癜 E. 血栓性血小板减少性紫癜 [多项选择]窦某因私人恩怨放火烧毁赵某的汽车而被公安机关依法拘留,窦某申请取保候审,公安机关责令其提供保证人。那么担任本案的保证人必须符合的条件有( )。
A. 与本案无牵连 B. 有能力履行保证义务 C. 享有政治权利,人身自由未受到限制 D. 有固定的住处和收入 [单选题]闪点在( )以下的为易燃品。
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It was the night of the full moon, a time which always drives Java’s young people mad with excitement. [判断题]在TN系统中,严禁将单独敷设的中性线做重复接地。( )
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A. 层次性 B. 相关性 C. 时效性 D. 地域性 [单项选择]关于"初期复苏"的阐述,下列错误的是()。
A. 是现场施救的应急措施 B. 为了迅速有效地恢复氧合 C. 为了迅速恢复重要脏器血液灌流 D. 主要步骤包括A、B、C三项 E. 早期应用急救药物 我来回答: 提交