Higher education has a responsibility
to provide a workforce with the design capability and high-level technical
design skills to generate growth in key industries with the potential to support
the UK’s economic health. The Higher Ambitions report from the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills {{U}} (62) {{/U}}: "Britain must rebuild its economic growth and invest in the skills and competitive strengths that will {{U}} (63) {{/U}} a sustainable recovery and balanced future economy." {{U}} (64) {{/U}}, it specifically calls {{U}} (65) {{/U}} "enhanced support for the Stem subject A. states B. affirms C. infers D. speculates [单项选择]
A. Working hard may prepare yourself opportunity. B. Success always depends on opportunity. C. Opportunity can replace hard work in job hunting. D. Working hard will ensure you success. [填空题]
The autumn rains had come in with two angry storms, and Lazy River was waking up. In a week school (31) be closed for Easter vacation. Dick and Turkey planned to have a trip to the inland by boat, (32) they collected maps and statistics of the entire inland river system. Water levels down Lazy River; levels down the Namoi; along the Darling and the Murray; all were (33) their fingertips. They were very happy because now (34) , it appeared, except the joy of voyaging lay (35) them and the Southern Ocean or Central Queensland. It was clear to them (36) Australia’s early explorers had (37) a big mistake toiling overland when they (38) have opened up the continent rapidly and pleasantly with paddle and pole. [多选题]( ).操作人员在使用机器人时需要注意______。
A.不要随意按动开关或者按钮 B.不要强制扳动、悬吊、骑坐在机器人上 C.禁止倚靠在工业机器人或控制柜上 D.通电中,工人可以随时操作触机器人控制柜和示教编程器 [单选题]小张出行,要么选择步行,要么选择骑车,要么选择公交,要么选择驾车。当且仅当晴天时可以选择步行或是骑车;如果是每周的奇数天,则选择驾车;如果是每月的偶数号,则选择公交。小张某天不能选择步行,则下列推断正确的是( )。 '
A.该天小张可以选择骑车出行 B.该天小张如果驾车出行,则该天是某月的偶数号 C.该天小张如果公交出行,则该天是某周的偶数天 D.若该天是周三,则该天是某月的偶数号 [判断题]说明书内容当采用现行的典型设计时,相应部分不可简化。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]BAS工作站可监视出入口雨水泵的( )级水位。
A.二 B.三 C.四 D.五 [多项选择]某有限责任公司在成立前由出资人共同推荐董事候选人,在审查各候选人情况时,发现其中有些人不能担任董事,他们是:
A. 甲为公司股东之一,有多年企业管理经验,因买个人住宅向朋友借款15万元到期未还 B. 乙曾为某国有企业厂长,该厂两年前因计划经济体制下的上级主管部门的行政干预过度而破产倒闭,乙现赋闲在家 C. 丙原为某股份有限公司董事,因犯挪用公司财产罪而被判刑,4年前因减刑而提前释放 D. 丁曾担任某有限责任公司的董事长,4年前该公司因从事违法经营而被吊销执照 [单选题]为了坚持和加强党的领导,必须改善党的领导,这意味着( )。
A.改善党的领导的目的是坚持和加强党的领导 B.坚持、加强党的领导和改善党的领导互为目的 C.坚持和加强党的领导的目的是改善党的领导 D.以上答案都不对 我来回答: 提交