Panic A panic is a form of collective in which a group of people, face with an immediate threat, react in an uncoordinated and irrational way. Their behavior is uncoordinated in the sense that cooperative social relationships and beak down. It is irrational in the sense that people’s actions are not appropriate for the goals they wish to achieve. The progress of a panic follows a fairly typical course. A sudden crisis occurs; people experience intense fear; normal social expectations are broken; each individual tries desperately to escape from the source of danger; mutual cooperation breaks down; and the situation becomes even more threatening as a result. Panics are especially likely to occur in unusual conditions in which everyday norms have little relevance, such as fires, floods, A. All of the panics are caused by natural reasons. B. People get into panic possibly because of the rumor. C. In 1929, Americans worsened the Great Depression themselves to protect their own interests. D. Panics often cause a great loss in economy or human resources. [判断题]IP地址168.18.22.3是一个A类地址。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]His salary as a director is much higher______________________________(和老师的工资相比).
[多选题]变压器主保护动作跳闸时,试送电前应注意事项( )。
A.检查变压器外部无明显故障 B.检查瓦斯气体 C.进行油分析 D.检查故障录波器动作情况 [简答题]
Through history there have been many great explorers. Have you, for example, heard of Mar co Polo, the famous Italian traveller He was one of the first Europeans to travel to China. He arrived in China in the late 13th century. About 200 years later Christopher Columbus sailed from Spain by ship. He was looking for a new way to reach India. However, as you probably know, he did not reach India. He landed in America. Five hundred years after Columbus, in the 1930s, a famous explorer named Richard Byrd was one of the first persons to fly over both the North and the South Poles. [判断题]等离子弧切割时,钨极内缩量极大地影响着电弧压缩效果及电极的烧损。( )
A. 氦核粒子流 B. 高速离子流 C. 电磁波 D. 高速粒子流 [判断题]《上海铁路局客运服务质量管理办法》(上铁客〔2017〕51号)规定,私带无票人员、行包或违规安排越席的行为属于以职权谋私类客运服务质量问题。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]为提高装置小型化及冷却性能,牵引变流器采用强制循环( )冷方式。
A.水 B.油 C.油水 [单项选择]下面关于静态路由表说法中错误的是______。
A. 是由人工方式建立的 B. 在网络系统运行时,系统将自动运行动态路由选择协议 C. 网络结构发生变化时,路由表无法自动地更新 D. 需要网络管理人员将每一个目的地址的路径输入到路由表中 [单选题]比例尺的用法一般有直接量距和()两种方法。
A.间接量距 B.比例变换 C.测量 D.比例测量 我来回答: 提交