Read the passage below and then do the exercises that follow.
If a Mecca exists for today’s youth, it must take the form of a rock concert. Such a colossal event draws people from surprisingly distant places and from oddly diverging lifestyles. The sophisticated college student may be seated next to the wide-eyed junior high cheerleader, the latter showing fright at the approach of a wild-eyed freak. How do these incompatible character types find a mutual appeal in rock concert What induces young people to exchange the few dollars earned through babysitting or car washing for a concert ticket
To many, the answer is immediately obvious—the music is the source of appeal at a concert. The quality of the sound produced, however, frequently casts doubt on this explanation. Unquestionably, rock concertsare loud ; the decibel level of some reportedly exceeds that attained b
Comparisons were drawn between the
development of television in the 20th century and the diffusion of printing in
the 15th and 16th centuries. Yet much had happened (21) . As
was discussed before, it was not (22) the 19th century that
the newspaper became the dominant pre-electronic (23) ,
following in the wake of the pamphlet and the book and in the (24)
of the periodical. It was during the same time that the communications
revolution (25) up, beginning with transport, the railway,
and leading (26) through the telegraph, the telephone, radio,
and motion pictures (27) the 20th-century world of the motor
car and the air plane. Not everyone sees that process in (28)
. It is important to do so. It is generally recognized, (29) , that the introduction of the computer in the early 20th A. between B. before C. since D. later [多选题]人民币合格投资者开展境外投资的,应当按照规定向中国人民银行上海总部报送()信息。
A.基本情况 B.托管银行 C.资金来源及规模 D.投资计划 [单选题](85260)侧架导框磨耗深度不大于,单侧为( )。
A.1mm B.2mm C.3mm D.4mm [多选题]以下样式的图片来自单图组件的是:
A.无线皇冠样式 B.移动皇冠通用词样式 C.app巨无霸 D.快咨询有图强样式 [多项选择]下列项目中,适用从价加从量的复合税率征收关税的有()。
A. 摄像机 B. 录像机 C. 笔记本电脑 D. 啤酒 [判断题]生产经营单位的安全总监是本单位安全生产第一责任人,对本单位的安全生产工作全面负责()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]自轨面起高度3600mm处超限的是上部超限。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]气象谚语有“露重见晴天”的说法。就此现象,下列叙述正确的是()
A. 天空云量少,大气保温作用强 B. 地面辐射强,地表降温慢 C. 空气中水汽少,地表降温慢 D. 大气逆辐射弱,地表降温快 [单选题]男消防救援人员不得蓄胡须,鬓角发际不得超过耳廓内线的二分之一,蓄发(戴假发)不得露于帽外,帽墙下发长不得超过( )。
A.0.5厘米 B.1厘米 C.1.5厘米 D.2厘米 [单选题]根据《三相智能电能表技术规范》,电能表电能量脉冲输出宽度为( )。
A.A.70ms±14ms B.B.80ms±16ms C.C.90ms±18ms D.D.100ms±20ms [单选题]鼻尖及鼻翼处易发生疖肿的原因是 ( )
A.鼻尖及鼻翼处皮肤较厚 B.鼻尖及鼻翼处皮肤较多汗腺和皮脂腺 C.尖部皮肤较厚 D.鼻尖及鼻翼处皮肤神经末梢敏感 E.鼻尖及鼻翼处皮肤属油性皮肤 我来回答: 提交