Your eye is a window on the nerves and blood vessels, revealing vital information about your entire body. An (1) exam starts from the outside and works in. First the ophthalmologist (眼科医生) gauges (2) with the familiar wall chart and checks visual field by moving objects in and out of (3) . A limited visual field could be the (4) of the high inner eye pressure of glaucoma(青光眼)or (5) a tumor pressing on nerves leading from the eye. The physician also checks for infection around the lashes and notes how fast the lids follow the eyes downward. Lid lag sometimes (6) thyroid disease (甲状腺疾病).
If one pupil contracts (7) the other doesn’t, the physician is (8) to the fact that (9) a tumor or stroke, perhaps, has damaged the nerves between the eye and brain. A tumor as far away (10) the lung can cause capillary problems by hitting a nerve that loops through the neck.
The white of the eye, tear ducts
A. but
B. when
C. or
D. as
如果你是机构A的负责人,对于评测师甲的请求,你将 (38) 。
对于B公司提出的要求,甲乙分别给出了如下的建议:甲认为可以出质量优秀报告,但是需要B公司出具改正所有测试问题的书面承诺书和自己的QA部门认可;乙认为由于测试还没有结束,很多问题还没有得到改正,因此不能出质量优秀的报告,但可以根据已经测试过的模块的情况,出具一个质量基本合格的报告。对于以上建议你认为 (39) 。
测试结束后,评测师乙提出要保留B公司的被测软件的样品。对于评测师乙的要求你认为 (40) 。
周红玲,女,2 9岁,广西人,大专学历,其父母在她幼年时离异,她随母亲生活。由于母亲后来再嫁且生意繁忙,无暇管教女儿,致使女儿结交了一些社会不良分子。 2 00 5年,周红玲认识了现任丈夫并很快结婚,生活比较幸福。但好景不长,周红玲的一个“朋友”引诱她尝试吸毒,之后的两年,周红玲变卖了家中所有的家当用来吸毒,其丈夫忍无可忍,将其带到戒毒所强制戒毒。之后,周红玲还在劳教所劳教了一年。由于表现较好,周红玲被劳教提前释放,回家后,发现家中经济状况跟以前她吸毒时一样差,家徒四壁,而丈夫对她态度比以前更淡漠,父母双方为她吸毒的事情也一直在互相推脱责任,相互责怪对方。周红玲感到生活没有意义。
Passage One
To us it seems so natural to put up an umbrella to keep the water off when it rains, but actually the umbrella was not invented as protection against rain. Its first use was as a shade against the sun.
Nobody knows who first invented it, but the umbrella was used in very ancient times. Probably the Chinese were the first to use it in the eleventh century B. C.
We know that the umbrella was used in ancient Egypt and Babylon as a sunshade. And there was a strange thing connected with its use: it became a symbol of honor and authority. In the Far East in ancient times, the umbrella was allowed to be used only by the king or by those in high office.
In Europe, the Greeks were the first to use the umbrella as a sunshade. And the umbrella was in common use in ancient Greece. But it is believed that the first persons in Europe to use the umbrella as protection against the rain were the ancient Romans. During the Middle Ages, the use of
A. in ancient China
B. in ancient Europe
C. in ancient Greece
D. in ancient Rome