Questions 57 to 61 are based on
the following passage. The president of the United States has one of the toughest jobs in the world. Hardly anyone else is watched so closely by so many people. Reporters follow the president patiently, eager for his opinion on everything from nuclear warheads to the outcome of a football match. The president must be careful at all times that his answers to reporters’ questions reflect his policies. In addition, A. misusing B. charging C. checking D. sharing 热门试题: [单项选择]闸板阀是用来控制()的大小的。
A. 吸水量 B. 排水量 C. 扬程 D. 吸水高度 [简答题]复核决定分为哪几种?[中]
[单选题]运动员疾跑后不能立即站立不动,需继续慢跑,主要是因为( )。
A.防止低血糖的发生 B.有利于氧债的偿还 C.有利于心功能的恢复 D.防止重力性休克的发生 [多选题] 已满14周岁不满16周岁的人,犯()罪应当负刑事责任
A. 抢夺 B. 贩卖毒品 C. 强奸 D. 抢劫 [单选题]严格行政管理,要培养严守纪律、( )、步调一致的良好作风。
A.令行禁止 B.科学管理 C.严格管理 D.听从指挥 [不定项选择题]A.第一层
A.第二层 B.第三层 C.上层 D.下层 E.死细胞层位于Percoll分层液的 [简答题]互文见义在所表达的意义上和修辞手法应怎样理解?
A. 生物多样性 B. 生物量 C. 初级生产力 D. 次级生产力 [单选题]安全工器具宜存放在温度为()、相对湿度为80%以下、干燥通风的安全工器具室内。
A.-10~+35℃ B.-10~+30℃ C.-15~+35℃ D.-15~+30℃ [单项选择]A scientific panel convened by the World Health organization recommended guidelines on Friday for doctors conducting clinical studies of SARS patients. The panel urged doctors to apply the guidelines in analyzing the masses of potentially useful information about various therapies that were collected in this year’s epidemic. Much of that information has not been published or analyzed.
"It is a matter of urgency to get better analysis and review," said Dr. Simon Mardel, a WHO official who led the two-day meeting that ended on Friday. He said thousands of potential therapies and compounds had been tested so far as researchers try to determine treatments for SARS, or severe acute respiratory syndrome. "We recognize that having no treatment for SARS is hindering our ability to control an epidemic in so many ways." He said. In the epidemic earlier this year, various treatments, like drugs to fight the virus or strengthen the immune system, as well as traditional Chinese medici A. carry the risk of infecting hospital employees B. are effective in curing patients who have breathing difficulties C. don’t run the risk of transmitting the virus to hospital employees D. prove to work effectively and cause no harm [填空题]97.业扩报装工作坚持“一口对外”原则,指建立有效的业扩报装管理体系和跨部门协同机制, ( )统一受理客户用电申请,承办业扩报装具体业务,并对外答复客户。
[单选题]高速动车组供排水及卫生系统配置的水箱及污物箱的容积是按列车满员情况下“ ” 时间使用量的标准设计的。
A.一天 B.半天 C.两天 D.一周 [多项选择]根据ICD-10的说法,精神病性症状包括()。
A. 显著的精神运动性兴奋 B. 幻觉 C. 因抑郁而产生自杀观念 D. 妄想 [单选题]在空载电动势Eq保持不变的情况下,隐极机的最大电磁功率出现在(____)。
A.δ=90° B.δ=180° C.δ<90° D.δ>90° [判断题]有大出血时,要采取止血措施,最后再进行骨折部位的固定。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]环境规划可以分为生态规划、污染综合防治规划、专题规划(如自然保护区规划)、环境科学技术与产业发展规划,其分类依据是( )。
A. 规划期 B. 环境要素 C. 性质 D. 行政区划和管理层次 [单选题]ZD9型电动转辙机电源电压为直流( )。[322010102]
A.160V B.180V C.200V D.220V [判断题]法人客户信贷人员不仅要对借款企业进行认真审查,还需要对企业法人或其他关联人对外担保状况认真审查。(0.24分)
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]下列说法正确的是( )
A.系统额定压力不得超调 B.压力油管不得在漏油、渗油下工作 C.渗漏油液应及时掩埋处理 D.高压胶管具有阻燃抗静电性能,不得随意更换 E.略 F.略 G.略 H.略 [单项选择]提示血容量不足()
A. 中心静脉压很低,尿量多 B. 中心静脉压偏低,尿量少 C. 中心静脉压偏低,尿量多 D. 中心静脉压偏高,尿量多 E. 中心静脉压很高,尿量少 [单选题]爆破器材储存库的( ),应当取得公安机关颁发的《爆破作业人员许可证》。
A. 保管员 B. 值班人员 C. 管理人员 [多选题]下面的选项中,不属于数据库系统的是?
A.数据库管理系统 B.操作系统 C.数据库 D.数据库服务器 [单选题]列车运行途中,列车长得到或发现动车组列车超员超过规定人数的信息时,应立即组织列车工作人员进行确认,确认后立即在司机手册签认,司机按最高运行速度不超过( )运行
A.120km/h B.160km/h C.180km/h D.200km/h [简答题]白国周班组管理办法中“三勤”、“三到位”分别指什么?
[多选题] "持卡人在( )等刷卡场所刷卡消费,均可获得累计积分。
A.商场 B.超市 C.酒店 D.医院 " [填空题]标准出版周期不得超过()个月。
A. 了解疾病的性质、病程和治疗方案 B. 坚持按医嘱服药 C. 避免各种诱发因素 D. 绝对卧床休息,由别人料理生活 E. 每日定时做全身和局部相结合的活动 [单选题]作业地点距车站较近或作业条件较复杂,需提前预报、确报时,作业负责人应事先与( )商定明确并告知全体防护员及作业人员。
A.驻站联络员 B.车站值班员 C.工长 D.班长 [多选题]根据《消防员职业技能标准》等级技能要求,消防技师应掌握化学事故救援作业的( )等作业技能。
A.侦检 B.输转 C.洗消 D.堵漏 [单选题]( )应为工程项目安全生产第一责任人,应负责分解落实安全生产责任,实施考核奖惩,实现项目安全管理目标。
A.项目经理 B.技术负责人 C.企业法人 D.安全总监 [单选题] 高血压的饮食习惯中错误的是
A.多吃蔬菜和水果 B.吃面条,喝面条汤 C.喝茶、喝粥 D.适度饮酒 E.不多吃咸菜 [单项选择]五脏中属火的脏器为()
A. 脾 B. 肺 C. 心 D. 肝 E. 肾 [单项选择]根据《票据法》的规定,在下列情况中,汇票持票人可以行使追索权的是( )。
A. 前手破产 B. 承兑人破产 C. 前手以外的背书人破产 D. 保证人破产 [多项选择]阿尔德弗尔(C.P.Alderfer)于1969年又提出了ERG(生存--关系--成长)理论。该理论把人类需要分为()。
A. 生存需要 B. 关系需要 C. 物质需要 D. 成长需要 E. 发展需要 [单选题]患者,女性,28岁。妊娠5个月。淋雨1天后,出现寒战,高热,伴咳嗽、咳痰,迁延未愈,12天后突然咳出大量脓臭痰及坏死组织,并有咯血,来诊。查体:T39°
A.多西环素 B.氧氟沙星 C.环丙沙星 D.庆大霉素 E.头孢菌素 [单项选择]These are hard times for Deutsehe Bank, despite its huge strides in investment banking. Next week its chief executive, Josef Ackerman, goes on trial in Dusseldorf. Careless words by Rolf Breuer, the head of its supervisory board, led to another court ruling last month that may cost Germany’ s biggest bank several hundred million euros in damages. Then there is Parmalat. Although no evidence has emerged of complicity in the Italian dairy group’ s fraud, Deutsche’ s name has become entwined in the affair.
In many other respects, however, Deutsche’ s reputation has never been higher. In dubbing it " Bank of the Year 2003", International Financing Review, the capital markets’ favorite newssheet, purred that Deutsche was a "lean, aggressive, focused universal bank" In the league tables that investment banks watch so keenly, Deutsche excelled last year as lead manager of bonds and convertible bonds and of some racier products, such as repackaged debt securities and high-yield "junk" bo A. the large amount of junk bonds and lack of disciplines B. the poor management and the low interest rate C. the inadequacy of Mr. Ackermann and other board members D. the huge salary of bankers and the unwise businesses [单选题]线路允许速度为120km/h(不含)~160km/h的正线道岔(直向)与曲线超高顺坡终点之间的直线段长度,一般情况下不应小于( )。
A.70m B.60m C.40m D.30m E.略 [多项选择]A注册会计师负责审计上市公司甲公司2011年度财务报表。在确定重要性时,A注册会计师遇到下列事项,请代为作出正确的专业判断。
合并过程,是指通过( )在集团财务报表中对组成部分财务信息进行确认、计量、列报与披露。 A. 合并 B. 比例合并 C. 权益法 D. 成本法 我来回答: 提交