Women, according to Chairman Mao, hold
up half the sky—but in California some are better rewarded for this effort
than others. According to a new study from the Public Policy Institute of
California, Asian women born in the United States outstrip all their sisters in
terms of earning power. The average hourly wage for American-born Asian ladies in 2001 (the latest year with reliable figures) was $19.30, with American-born whites coming next. On the bottom rungs of the ladder came Latinas: if born abroad, they earned a mere $10.40 an hour (though this was comfortably above California’s then $6.25 minimum wage); if born in America, they managed $15.10 an hour. Education is the biggest reason for the ethnic disparities. Some 55% of California’s American-born Asian women have at least a bachelor’s degree, and an impressive 84% A. Some women in California earn more than men. B. Some women in California earn more than women in other places. C. Some women in California earn more than other people. D. Some women in California earn more than ordinary people. [单选题]电开水器专项检修时,进行防干烧保护功能试验时防止高温( )。
A.损伤 B.灼伤 C.干烧 D.烧过 [判断题]化学中和是利用酸碱中和反应处理酸性或碱性泄漏物。如盐酸泄漏可用熟石灰进行中和;烧碱泄漏可用醋酸进行中和。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]如果企业的生产过程对产品质量的保证程度是良好的,则质量特征值的分布状况与公差界限之间应该是()。
A. 分布中心与公差中心重合 B. 实际分布范围等于公差界限范围 C. 实际分布范围赂大于公差界限范围 D. 实际分布范围赂小于公差界限范围 [简答题]元鱼是如何加工的?
A. 提供基本产品 B. 提高产品质量且增加新功能,扩展产品线 C. 改进品牌使品牌和式样多样化 D. 逐步淘汰软项目 [判断题]凡有限空间作业的现场负责人、监护人员、作业人员、应急救援人员等相关人员(包括承包方人员),必须是有限空间安全知识考核合格、会使用应急救援器材、具备现场应急救援能力的人员。不符合上述安全要求的人员,不得从事有限空间的任何作业,必须作为红线严格遵守。否则,按违章指挥进行责任追究。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]世界各国对证券公司的划分和称呼不尽相同,美国的通俗称谓是( ),在法律上统称为“经纪人——交易商”。
A. 商人银行 B. 投资公司 C. 商业银行 D. 投资银行 [单选题]刚性接触网采用( )形式的中心锚结。
A.区间中心锚结 B.站场软横跨正线中心锚结 C.站场侧线中心锚结 D.倒V型中心锚结 [单选题]患儿,1.5岁,因急性上呼吸道感染求诊。医嘱:洁霉素0.3g,im,bid,适宜的注射部位是
A. 上臂三角肌 B. 臀大肌 C. 臀中肌 臀小肌 D. 股外侧肌 [单项选择]最早在妊娠多少周,超声可以辨认出胎盘
A. 8周 B. 12周 C. 14周 D. 16周 E. 18周 我来回答: 提交