Passage 5 Building on the base of evidence and interpretation in Hansen’s (1994) qualitative study (working people’s diaries, we assigned each diarist a set of codes to indicate employment, marit: status, number of children, and size of the town in which he or she lived. To analyze the numbe location and gender mix of visiting occasions, we coded each day in January and July for every year of the diary, counting the number of named visitors, the visitors’ gender, the size of the visiting: occasion (1 to 4 people, or 5 and above), the gender mix of those present during the visit, and the location of the visit. While this may seem straightforward at frist glance, the variable nature of the diary entries meant that the coding process was not as uncomplicated as we initially anticipated. Given the number of diarists and the span of diary-keeping years, A. It was the foundation of the research. B. It was the groundwork for the research. C. It was the research that was coded. D. It was the example used for the coding. [单选题]KLT140开窗打捞简有( )排窗口。
A.2 B.2~3 C.3~4 D.2~5 [判断题]如果将电流表并联在线路中测量,则电流表有可能会因过载而被烧坏。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]全心全意为人民服务不属于中国革命道德的主要内容之一( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]除动火作业措施票外,其他二级高危作业措施票时间一般不超过一个班次,延期不得超过72小时。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]道路施工现场的机动车辆应限速行驶,行驶速度一般不得超过()km/h;并应在显著位置设置限速标志。
A.15 B.25 C.20 D.30 [单项选择]当源站点与目的站点通过一个三层交换机连接,下面说法正确的是()
A. 三层交换机解决了不同VLAN之间的通信,但同一VLAN里的主机不能通信 B. 源站点的ARP表中一定要有目的站点的IP地址与MAC地址的映射表,否则源站点不知道目的站点的MAC地址,无法封装数据,也无法通信 C. 当源站点与目的站点不在一个VLAN时,源站点的ARP表中是没有目的站点的IP地址与MAC地址的映射表的,而有网关IP地址与网关的MAC地址映射表项 D. 以上说法都不对 [单项选择]若有定义:int a[2][3];,以下选项中对a数组元素正确引用的是______。
A. a[2][!1] B. a[2][3] C. a[0][3] D. a[1>2][!1] [判断题]在转角塔的三相中,边相抗雷能力较差。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]土石方施工时,挖掘施工区域应设措施有()。
A.围栏 B.减速带 C.安全标志牌 D.夜间应挂警示灯 E.略 F.略 [单选题]GPS定位测量,采用静态相对定位方法观测时,应与高等级GPS控制网进行联测,联测控制点点数应大于( )个。
A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5 [判断题]延长签证停留期限,累计不得超过签证原注明的停留期限的两倍。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( )94.如果仪器采用锯齿扫描发生器,其扫描锯齿波形的好坏程度,决定了扫描的好坏。
A.动态范围 B.垂直线性 C.水平线性 [单选题] 民用建筑与工业建筑因使用性质不同,在建筑物构造组成上的差异较大,下列不属于民用建筑的构造组成的是()。
A. 单层及多层建筑 B. 高层 C. 钢结构 D. 大跨建筑 我来回答: 提交