20th June, 1999
I wish to apply for the position advertised in today Herald(《先驱报》). I feel that I am competent to meet the requirements which you have specified.
I am twenty-seven years of age. After graduating from high school I took a two years’ business course in the White Commercial School, one of the best commercial schools in Toledo, studying both bookkeeping and typewriting. Since graduating from business school, I have worked for three years in a lawyer’s office, where I am at present employed.
I now wish to enter an office where the work requires greater judgment than here, and where there is more opportunity for advancement.
I have permission to Mr. John E. White, Principal of the White Commercial School, and Mr James R. McDowell, Principal of the Redbush High School, for statements as to my character and ability.
Yours faithfully,
So what is depression Depression is
often more about anger turned (1) than it is about sadness.
But it’s usually (2) as sadness. Depression can (3)
at all ages, from childhood to old age, and it’s the United States’
No. 1 (4) problem. When someone is depressed, her behavior (5) change and she loses interest in activities she (6) enjoyed (like sports, music, friendships). The sadness usually lasts every day for most of the day and for two weeks or more. What (7) depression A (8) event can certainly bring (9) depression, but some will say it happens (10) a specific cause. So how do you know if you’re just having a bad day A. or B. but C. and D. while [判断题]在道路上施工应装设遮栏(围栏),并悬挂警告标示牌。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]各民航(机场)公安机关( )负责本单位民航案(事)件处置情况的执法监督。
A.法制部门 B.办公室 C.秘书科 D.以上都不是 [判断题]( )曲线拨道前不匀轨缝,拨后没有及时回填道床,捣固不均匀等易造成曲线方向不良。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]防喷器控制装置按照其储能器容积及控制对象数目分为3204、5606、6406、8006、8007、120012等几种型号。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题] 某商业企业2000年赊销收入净额为2000万元,销售成本为1600万元;年初、年末应收账款余额分别为200万元和400万元;年初、年末存货余额分别为200万元和600万元;年末速动比率为1.2,年末现金比率为0.7。假定该企业流动资产由速动资产和存货组成,速动资产由应收账款和现金资产组成,一年按360天计算。 要求: (1)计算2000年应收账款周转天数。 (2)计算2000年存货周转天数。 (3)计算2000年年末流动负债余额和速动资产余额。 (4)计算2000年年末流动比率。
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