Intellectual property rights are the rights given to
persons over the creations of their minds. They usually give the creator an
exclusive fight over the use of his/her creation for a certain period of time.
Intellectual property rights are customarily divided into two main
areas: Copyright and rights related to copyright. The rights of authors literary and artistic works (such as books and other writings, musical compositions, paintings, sculpture, computer programs and films) are protected by copyright, for a minimum period of 50 years after the death of the author. Also protected through copyright and related ( sometimes referred to as "neighboring" ) rights are the rights of performers ( e.g. actors, singers, and musicians ), producers of phonograms (sound recordings ) and broadcasting organizations. The main social purpo A. the rights of a novelist only when he is alive B. the rights of a novelist for no longer than 50 years after his death C. the rights of a music performer for his creative work D. the rights of radio program producers rather than those of radio stations 热门试题:[单选题]锅炉内部检验的结论分为4种,下列 不正确内部检验的结论。
A.允许运⾏ B.监督运⾏ C.整改后运⾏ D.限制条件运⾏ [单选题]在涡阻力等于其他阻力和的地方
A.阻力达到最小值 B.阻力达到极小值 C.阻力达到极大值 [判断题]站车可以向非空调列车出售硬质瓶装啤酒、饮料。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]电缆接头验收要求电缆剥切、导体连接符合施工工艺、设计和运行规程要求。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]160 km/h≥υmax>120km/h的线路,轨端或轨顶面剥落掉块长度超过15mm且深度超过( )时判为轻伤钢轨。
A.A、1mm B.B、3mm C.C、5mm D.D、7mm [单项选择]临床上最早出现的、比较确切的糖尿病性视网膜病变的体征是( )
A. 视网膜内出血 B. 硬性渗出 C. 微动脉瘤 D. 视网膜水肿 E. 新生血管形成 [判断题]随着信息技术的发展,“移动计算”这一新型计算模式开始在全球普及与应用
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]可以作为质押的权利有( )。
A. 汇票 B. 仓单 C. 专利权 D. 股票 E. 土地所有权 [多选题]人民检察院对16岁的高中生何某因故意伤害一案审查批准逮捕时,以下说法中错误的是:( )。
A.应当听取何某父母的意见 B.无需听取何某辩护律师的意见 C.根据案情需要,可以对何某进行讯问,也可以不对何某进行讯问 D.应当对何某进行讯问 [单选题]在日常工作中,督促检查各电务段应急管理工作,并提出加强应急管理工作的( )和建议。<哈尔滨铁路局电缆大面积故障应急预案2.2.1.3>
A.责任人 B.电务段 C.意见 D.抢修 [单选题]08-32捣固车激光拨道作业时采用的检测方法是()。
A.三点法 B.四点法 C.人工拨道 D.以上均可 [多项选择]隔附子灸多用于治疗()。
A. 阳痿 B. 腹痛 C. 泄 D. 早泄 E. 虚劳 [判断题]尚未制定法律行政法规,属于地方性事务的,地方性法规可以设定査封扣押的行政强制措施,不得设定其他行政强制措施
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]关于人身保险市场供给的陈述,不正确的是( )
A.国际经验分析表明,社会保险保障水平越高,其商业人身保险可能发展越快。 B.通常,保险税赋的高低对人身保险业的发展会产生重大的影响。 C.一般地,保险市场组织体系越完善,保险服务的供给能力越强。 D.一般地,保险资本金实力越大,保险供给能力越强。 [简答题]水准测量仪器所安置的地点称为 。
[填空题]电池A的电动势为2V,内阻为1Ω,电池B的电动势为2.5V,内电阻为2.5Ω,先后用A、B作电源向同一电阻供电,电流强度相等,这个电阻的阻值R=( ) 。
[单选题]以下植物中,属于水生植物的是( )。
A.鸢尾 B.萱草 C.黄菖蒲 D.唐菖蒲 [单项选择]胆囊切除手术中需谨慎处理的部位是()
A. Vater壶腹 B. Oddi括约肌 C. Hartmann袋 D. Heister瓣 E. Calot三角 [判断题]A注册会计师是P公司2005年度会计报表审计的外勤审计负责人,在编制审计报告过程中, A注册会计师需对助理人员提出的相关问题予以解答。根据独立审计准则的相关规定,请代为做出正确的专业判断。
尽管前任注册会计师出具了否定意见的审计报告,但考虑到相关事项对本期会计报表的影响已经消除,后任注册会计师仍然可以对本期会计报表出具标准无保留意见的审计报告。( ) [多选题]当使用()时,脚手板放置在横向水平杆上,纵向水平杆应作为横向水平杆的支座, 用直角扣件固定在立杆上。
A.冲压钢脚手板 B.木脚手板 C.竹串片脚手板 D.竹笆脚手板 E.其他材质脚手板 [单选题] 国内外PLC各生产厂家都把( )作为第一用户编程语言。
A.梯形图 B.指令表 C.逻辑功能图 D.C语言 [判断题]发生六级人身、电网、设备和信息系统事件,应立即按资产关系或管理关系逐级上报至国家电网公司
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]小鼠常用的处死方法是
A. 空气栓塞法 B. 急性失血法 C. 破坏延髓法 D. 开放性气胸法 E. 脊椎脱臼法 [单项选择]男,46岁,吸烟史20年,发热2周(37.5℃~38℃),右胸疼痛,近4天胸痛减轻,感胸闷、气促。查体:右下胸语音震颤减弱,叩浊,呼吸音降低。诊断最可能是()
A. 肺炎链球菌肺炎 B. 支原体肺炎 C. 结核性胸膜炎 D. 浸润型肺结核 E. 支气管肺癌 [单选题]低温条件下,焊接普通低合金钢,防止产生冷裂纹和热影响区出现淬硬组织,最有效措施是( )。
A.焊后热处理 B.减小线能量 C.进行适当的预热 D.采用直流反接电源 [单项选择]某建设项目采用施工总承包管理模式,R监理公司承包施工监理任务,G施工企业承担主要的施工任务,业主将其中的二次装修发包给C装饰公司,则C装饰公司在施工中应接受( )的施工管理。
A. 业主 B. R监理公司 C. G施工企业 D. 施工总承包管理方 [单选题]动车组列车制动初速度为200 km/h时,紧急制动距离限值为( ) m
A.1000 B.1500 C.2000 D.2500 [不定项选择题]共用题干
To Survive or to Vanish
1.Over 3.6 billion years ago,the first creature was born in the world.Since then,the earth started its era with life.The history of life on earth has been a history of interaction between living things and their surroundings.To a large extent,the physical form and the habits of the earth's vegetation and its animal life have been molded by the environment. Considering the whole span of earthly time,the opposite effect,in which life actually modifies its surroundings,has been relatively slight. Only in the present century has one species一man acquired significant power to alter the nature of his world. 2.During the past 25 years,this power has not only become increasingly great but it has changed in character. The most alarming of all man's assaults upon the environment is the contamination of air,earth,rivers,and sea with dangerous and even lethal materials. This pollution is for the most part irrecoverable.In this now universal contamination of the environment,chemicals are the sinister partners of radiation in changing the very nature of the world the very nature of its life. Chemicals sprayed on croplands or forests or gardens lie long in soil,entering into living organisms, passing from one to another in a chain of poisoning and death.Or they pass mysteriously by underground streams until they emerge and combine into new forms that kill vegetation,sicken cattle,and work unknown harm on those who drink from once pure wells."Man can hardly even recognize the devils of his own creation,"as a scientist has said. 3.Hundreds of millions of years have passed before the globe produced the life that now inhabits the earth.Given time not in years but in millennia life adjusts,and a balance has been reached.But in the modern world there is no time. 4.The quick steps of change follows the impetuous pace of man rather than the deliberate pace of nature.Radiation is now the unnatural creation of man's tampering with the atom.The chemicals are the synthetic creations of man's inventive mind,having no counterparts in nature. 5.To survive these chemicals would require not merely the years of one man's life but the life of generations.And even this,were it by some miracle possible,would be futile,for the new chemicals come from our laboratories in an endless stream;almost five hundred annually find their way into actual use in the United States alone.Among them are many that are used in man's war against nature.Since the mid l940's over 200 basic chemicals have been created for use in killing insects,weeds,and other organisms described as"pests". 6.It is not my contention that chemical insecticides must never he used.I do contend that we have put poisonous and biologically potent chemicals indiscriminately into the hands of persons largely or wholly ignorant of their potentials for harm. We have subjected enormous numbers of people to contact with these poisons,without their consent and often without their knowledge.I contend,furthermore,that we have allowed these chemicals to be used with little or no advance investigation of their effect on soil,water,wildlife,and man himself. Future generations are unlikely to forgive our lack of concern for the integrity of the natural world that supports all life. Radiation is now the unnatural creation of_______.'s tampering with the atom B.enormous numbers of people to contact with these poisons C.the integrity of the natural world that supports all life D.inventive E.irrecoverable F.relatively slight [简答题]已知某轧件为矩形断面,其轧前高度为50mm,轧后高度为35mm,求压下量,压下率和压下系数。
[填空题]《铁路旅客运输办理细则》(铁运〔1997〕103号)规定,通学的小学生不论身高多少,均按( )办理。
A.股骨颈骨折 B.股骨转子问骨折 C.股骨头骨折 D.髋关节脱位 E.股骨上端骨折 [判断题]严格执行设计程序、设计标准与工作规范是模具设计师的基本职业守则之一。
[判断题]建筑方格网点的布设应与建筑物设计轴线平行,并构成正方形或者矩形网格。( )【该题涉及附件5.1内容】
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]直供电旅客列车原则上要在始发前()在车站完成本务机车连挂并供电,遇有到发线能力紧张等情况,一般不应晚于始发前()。
A.1小时,40分钟 B.2小时,1小时 C.1小时,30分钟 D.40分钟,30分钟 我来回答: 提交