61. Women make up 40 percent of the world’s work force in agriculture, a quarter in industry, and a third in services. Women farmers in the developing countries grow at least 50 percent of the world’s food, as much as 80 percent in some African countries.
62. In addition to income and generating activities ( in cash and kind), women’s household activities include caring for the sick, house maintenance, and such vital work as caring for children, preparing food, and fetching firewood and water. Yet women’s productivity remains low. both in income-generating work and in home production. Improving women’s productivity can contribute to growth, efficiency, and poverty reduction. Key development goals everywhere.
63. Investing in women —in education, health, family planning--is thus an important part of development strategy as well as a matter of social justice. It is an integral part of the World Bank’s ov
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A.静态密码的客户转账的每笔金额和当日累计金额均有限制。 B.U盾客户办理对外转账必须使用U盾。 C.口令卡的客户转账的每笔金额和当日转账累计金额均有限制。 D.U盾客户每日转账金额不得超过5万。 [简答题]
某工程建设项目,业主与施工单位签订了施工合同,其中规定,在施工过程中,如因业主原因造成窝工,则人工窝工费和机械的停工费可按工日费和台班费的60%结算支付。业主还与监理单位签订了施工阶段的监理合同。合同中规定监理工程师可直接签证、批准5天以内的工期延期和1万元以内的单项费用索赔。工程按图2-2网络计划进行,其关键线路为A-E-H-I-J。在计划执行过程中,出现了下列一些情况,影响一些工作暂时停工(同一工作由不同原因引起的停工时间,都不在同一时间): 1.因业主不能及时供应材料,使E延误3天,G延误2天,H延误3天。 2.因机械发生故障检修,使F延误2天,G延误2天。 3.因业主要求设计变更,使F延误3天。 4.因公网停电,使F延误1天,I延误1天。 施工单位及时向监理工程师提交了一份索赔申请报告,并附有有关资料、证据和下列要求: 1.工期顺延 E停工5天,F停工4天,C停工4天,H停工3天,I停工1天,总计要求工期顺延 17天。 2.经济损失索赔 (1)机械设备窝工费 E工序吊车:(3+2)×240元=1200元 F工序搅拌机:(3+1)×70元=280元 G工序小机械:(2+2)×55元=220元 H工序搅拌机:3×70元=210元 合计机械费为1910元。 (2)人工窝工费: E工序:5×30×28元=4200元 F工序:4×35×28元=3920元 G工序:4×15×28元=1680元 H工序:3×35×28元=2940元 I工序:1×20×28元=560元 合计人工费为13300元。 (3)间接费增加:(1910+13300)×16%元=2433.6元 (4)利润损失:(1910+13300+2433.6)×5%元=882.18元 总计经济索赔额:(1910+13300+2433.6+882.18)元=18525.78元 |