A certain old gentleman was very
unhappy about modern education, and thought that {{U}} (41) {{/U}} people
nowadays were not being taught the{{U}} (42) {{/U}} of knowing the
difference between right and {{U}} (43) {{/U}}. One day he was taking a {{U}} (44) {{/U}} in a park near his home when he saw some young boys standing {{U}} (45) {{/U}}a small cat. The old gentleman went up to the boys and asked them {{U}} (46) {{/U}} was happening. One of the boys said to him, "We’re having a contest. We are {{U}} (47) {{/U}} lies, and the one who tells the biggest one gets to {{U}} (48) {{/U}} the cat." The old gentleman thought that this was a good chance to teach the boys a useful lesson, so he said to them, "I’ve {{U}} (49) {{/U}}told a lie in my life." All at once there was a great sho [单选题]在推广收单业务时,农商银行可以在广告中使用的宣传用语是:( )
A.C B.零扣率 C.T+0 D.安全保障 [单项选择]某农业企业2009年末的资产总额为2000万元,负债总额为800万元,实收资本总额为250万元。则该企业2009年末的资产负债率为()。
A. 12.50% B. 20% C. 31.25% D. 40% [简答题]简述教育科学的理论研究的基本过程。
A. A Statement of Financial Responsibility. B. A bank letter or statement. C. A proof of anyone who will help with payments from a bank D. A letter from the student’s high school. [单选题]OSI参考模型把网络通信的工作分为( )层。
A.3 B.5 C.6 D.7 [判断题]系统和本要点均未规定模板的,项目单位自行编制技术规范,但其格式必须为“三表两图”。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]空警支、大、中队根据职责对空警勤务工作实行分级管理,根据所在航空公司航线分布,航班安排,编排空警派遣计划,报所在航空公司主管部门和( )审定和备案。
A.上级空警管理机构 B.协同上下级之间关系 C.协同各部门做好勤务派遣工作 D.协同各部门做好执勤工作 [判断题]在我国,党的政策与法律是一致的。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在风电场设备上的工作,应填用工作票或事故紧急抢修单,其方式有( )种:
A.A.3 B.B.4 C.C.5 D.D.6 [单选题]以下属于事故直接原因的是( )。
A.主包公司将标段违法分包给无资质的企业 B.项目部安全监督管理不到位,现场工区负责人、工长对作业安全措施防范工作没有落实 C.车上起爆器材在机械能作用下发生爆炸,引起240kg乳化炸药爆炸 D.安全教育、宣传开展不够,工作人员安全意识不强 我来回答: 提交