Autonomous robots are able to move and decide by themselves. At a simple level, these can include robot vacuum cleaners that "decide" what to react to human behaviors without human intervention.
The University of the West of England’s David McGoran takes his Heart Robot on a touchy feely tour, allowing it to come face to face with a spider-like robot built by Matt Denton of Micromagic Systems. Both robots are being displayed at the London Science Museum until July 31st.
The heart robot that "enjoys" being hugged and stroked could be among the first robots to signify a new era of "emotional machines" used for medical treatment and enjoyment, according to one of its inventors.
It has a beating heart which rises when the body is shaken, but slows down when treated calmly. In addition, Heart’s eyes flutter in response to touch.
David McGoran, of the University of the West of England, predicts the part-puppet, p
A. robots will be of more and more human characteristics
B. robotic toy industry will develop fast
C. scientists can learn from robot films
D. old people need to take care of robots at home
仲裁员陈某有哪种情形时,乙可以提出回避申请?( ) The current political debate over
family values, personal responsibility, and welfare takes for granted the
entrenched American belief that dependence on government assistance is a recent
and destructive phenomenon. Conservatives tend to blame this dependence on
personal irresponsibility aggravated by a swollen welfare apparatus that saps
individual initiative. Liberties are more likely to blame it on personal
misfortune magnified by the harsh lot that falls to losers in our competitive
market economy. But both sides believe that the "winners" in America make it on
their own that dependence reflects some kind of individual or family failure,
and that the ideal family is the self-reliance unit of the traditional lore—a
family that takes care of its own, carves out a future for its children, and
never asks for handouts①. P A. people competed with each other fiercely for land B. many people worked for the railroad companies C. quite a few families made it on their own D. social and personal interdependence was indispensable to Americans [判断题]( )保健品的功能一般都比较多。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]个人信用报告中银行信贷汇总信息是对客户所有________的汇总。
A.非销户/非结清贷款和信用卡账户 B.销户贷款 C.结清贷款 D.销户/结清贷款和信用卡账户 [单项选择]男性,64岁。既往冠心病病史15年。昨日突然出现心悸伴呼吸困难。查体:Bp 120/90mmHg,心率。130次/min,听诊心律不规则,第一心音强弱不等,最可能的诊断是 ( )
A. 频发房性期前收缩 B. 频发室性期前收缩 C. 心房颤动 D. 三度房室传导阻滞 E. 阵发性室上性心动过速 [单项选择]以下关于焊合金的描述,哪项是错误的
A. 白合金焊又称银焊 B. 白合金焊主要成分为银 C. 白合金焊用于焊接镍铬合金时,应用硼砂作焊媒 D. 白合金焊熔点为650~750℃ E. 白合金焊可用于金合金焊接 [单项选择]强心苷中毒引起的心脏传导阻滞和心动过缓应禁用()
A. 氯化钾 B. 阿托品 C. 异丙肾上腺素 D. 维生素C E. 氯化钠 [单项选择]一横波沿绳子传播时的波动方程为y=0.05cos(4πx-10πt)(SI)则下面关于其皮长、波速的叙述,哪个是正确的?()
A. 波长为0.5m B. 波长为0.05m C. 波速为25m/s D. 波速为5m/s [单选题]《公安机关公务用枪管理使用规定》制定的根据不包括()。
A.《人民警察法》 B.《枪支管理法》 C.公安部部门规章 D.其他有关法律法规 [单选题]在抗日民主政权实行"三三制"时,"中间分子"指的是()
A.资产阶级 B.民族资产阶级和开明绅士 C.地主阶级 D.小资产阶级 [单选题]Eudemon500/1000 防火墙的哪个槽位是低速槽位,不能插高速接口卡 ?
A.1号槽位 B.2号槽位 C.3 号槽位 D. 4 号槽位 我来回答: 提交