Highly intelligent and strong, elephants are the largest land animals and are among the longest-lived, with life spans of 60 years or more. Healthy, full-grown elephants have no natural enemies other than humans.
Elephants once lived on every continent except Australia and Antarctica, but elephants today are restricted to Africa and parts of Southeast Asia. They occupy a wide range of environments in Africa and Southeast Asia: grasslands, marshes, forests, deserts, and mountains. They need great quantities of food to support their massive size. They also need a lot of drinking water and so are restricted to areas with adequate water.
Throughout history, people have prized elephants for their great size and strength. On the battlefield, elephants have defeated the enemies. Elephants also have been trained to carry heavy supplies through the forests where they once lived.
Elephants have long been honored, and in Thailand, India, and other Southeast Asian cou
A. An Introduction of Elephants
B. The Living Characteristics of Elephants
C. Elephants’ Environments
D. Elephants’ Population
Most plants can make their own food
from sunlight, (1) some have discovered that stealing is an
easier way to live, Thousands of plant species get by (2)
photosynthesizing, and over 400 of these species seem to live by
pilfering sugars from an underground (3) of fungi(真菌). But
in (4) a handful of these plants has this modus operandi been
traced to a relatively obscure fungus. To find out how (5)
are (6) , mycologist Martin Bidartondo of the
University of California at Berkeley and his team looked in their roots. What
they found were (7) of a common type of fungus, so
(8) that it is found in nearly 70 percent of all plants. The
presence of this common fungus A. realm B. net C. relation D. web [多选题]CTCS制定技术规范的目的( )
A.标准化 B.系列化 C.程序化 D.模块化 [单选题]每名驻站联络员负责防护作业组数不得多于3组,所防护的作业组均在天窗内作业或全部使用对讲机集中联控时可以适当增加,但不得超过( )组。
A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5 [单选题]在新世纪新时代,经济和社会发展的战略目标是,到建党一百年时,______;到新中国成立一百年时,全面建成社会主义现代化强国。( )
A.巩固和发展已经初步达到的小康水平 B.全面建成小康社会 C.全面建设小康社会 D.全面实现小康社会 [简答题]
问答题:王某2014年1月1日与某镇的农机厂(增值税一般纳税人)签订承包合同。经营期限5年,承包费50万元(每年10万元)。合同规定,承包期内不得改变名称,仍以农机厂的名义对外从事经营业务,王某上缴的承包费在每年的经营成果中支付。2014年王某的经营成果如下: [单选题]全面从严治党。勇于自我革命,从严管党治党,是我们党最鲜明的品格。必须以( )为根本遵循,把党的政治建设摆在首位,思想建党和制度治党同向发力,统筹推进党的各项建设。
A.党章 B.群众路线 C.思想路线 [判断题]铁路局须结合实际不断优化动车组运用检修项目、内容和周期。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列说法不正确的是()。
A. 发包人与承包人的协议应明确延期支付的时间和从计量结果确认后第28天起计算应付款的贷款利息 B. 发包人接到承包人递交的竣工结算资料后28天内进行核实,给予确认或者提出修改意见 C. 承包人收到竣工结算款后14天内将竣工工程交付发包人 D. 发包人收到竣工结算报告及结算资料后28天内无正当理由不支付工程竣工结算价款,承包人可以催告发包人支付结算价款 [多选题]运营桥墩台受( )等作用时,在外力作用高度以下,不宜采用空心墩。
A.船、筏 B.漂流物撞击 C.磨损 D.受冰压力 [判断题]《铁路技术管理规程》(上铁师[2014]339号)(高铁部分)规定,动车组日常运用的上水、保洁、排污等整备作业必须动车所完成。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]倒闸操作前应先核对系统方式、设备名称、编号和位置,操作中应认真执行( )制度,宜全过程录音。
A.A.操作票 B.B.工作票 C.C.监护复诵 D.D.监护 E.略 F.略 [多选题]某县公安局治安大队民警王大在执勤时,遇有()依照国家有关规定可以使用92式手枪
A.拒捕 B.暴乱 C.越狱 D.抢夺枪支 [单选题]高层住宅建筑的物业服务企业应当( )至少对居住人员进行一次消防安全教育培训,进行一次疏散演练
A.每年 B.每半年 C.每季度 D.每月 [多项选择]口腔内的消化腺包括()
A. 舌下腺 B. 胰腺 C. 颌下腺 D. 腮腺 [判断题]加氟接管时,必须排尽管内空气。
[单选题]有目的地严格控制或创设一定条件,人为地引起或者改变心理现象并加以记录的心理研宄方法,叫做( )
A.调查法 B.观察法 C.实验法 D.教育经验总结法 [单项选择]公司申请其发行的公司债券上市交易,由( )依照法定条件和法定程序核准。
A. 国务院证券监督管理机构 B. 国家发改委 C. 中国人民银行 D. 证券交易所 [多选题] 现代安全管理原理包括( )。
A.系统原理 B.人本原理 C.预防原理 D.强制原理 我来回答: 提交