In a recent book entitled The Psychic Life of
Insects, Professor Bouvier says that we must be careful not to credit the little
winged fellows with intelligence when they behave in what seems like an
intelligent manner. They may be only reacting. I would like to confront the
professor with an instance of reasoning power on the part of an insect which
cannot be explained away in any other manner. During the summer of 1899, while I was at work on my doctoral thesis, we kept a female wasp at our cottage. It was more like a child of our own than a wasp, except that it looked more like a wasp than a child of our own. That was one of the wa A. saw that his cards had already been rearranged B. realized that the wasp had been trying to help C. found evidence of the wasp’s intelligence D. found his index cards still scattered about the room [多选题]《变电评价管理规定第26分册辅助设施精益化评价细则》:现场安全设施安全标志应满足()要求。
A.设备区入口、设备间入口安全标志的设置符合相关标准,满足运行要求 B.安全标志安装位置科学合理,醒目无遮挡 C.安全标志外观完好,无破损 D.变电站入口安全标志的设置符合相关标准,满足运行要求 [单项选择]根据华润置地写字楼物业服务标准(2011版)空置房间至少每()全面清洁一次。
A. 周 B. 天 C. 半个月 D. 月 [单选题]css选择器的优先级从高到低为( )
A.ID样式-类样式-行类样式-标签样式 B.行内样式-类样式-ID样式-标签样式 C.行内样式-ID样式-类样式-标签样式 D.类样式-行内样式-ID样式-标签样式 [不定项选择题]可治疗消化道癌肿的药物是
A.大血藤 B.马齿苋 C.山豆根 D.野菊花 E.白花蛇舌草 [多选题]脱离电源后,触电伤员如意识丧失,应在开放气道后10s内用( )的方法判定伤员有无呼吸。
A.叫 B.看 C.听 D.试 [单选题]对于储存剧毒介质和设计要求不允许有微量泄漏的容器必须做( )。
A.耐压试验 B.气压试验 C.密封性试验 D.水压试验 [单选题]化工生产过程是指从原料出发,完成某一化工产品生产的全过程,其核心是( )。
A.生产程序 B.投料方式 C.设备选择 D.工艺过程 [判断题]个人与所在用人单位发生社会保险争议的,可以依法申请调解、仲裁,提起诉讼。
[判断题]钢坯内部缺陷有钢质不良、偏析、缩孔、疏松、皮下气泡和非金属夹杂等。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 在深坑及井内作业应定时检测是否存在( )或异常现象。 (1.0分)
A. 氧气 B. 二氧化碳 C. 有毒气体 D. 水蒸气 我来回答: 提交