Leo Tolstoy was a Russian writer and
moral philosopher, and one of the world’s greatest novelists. He was born on
April 30,1828 and died on Feb. 14, 1910. His writings (1)
influenced much of 20th-century literature, and his moral
(2) helped shape the thinking of several important
(3) and political leaders. Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy was born (4) a family of noble landowners at his family (5) south of Moscow. His early education came from tutors at home, but after the deaths of his parents in the 1830s, he was (6) by relatives. He entered Kazan’ University when he was 16 but preferred to educate himself independently, and in 1847 he (7) his studies without finishing his degree. His next 15 years were very (8) . Tolstoy returned to manage the family estate, with the determination to i A. previously B. primitively C. profoundly D. probably [单选题]在消防控制室,可通过消防联动控制器的多线手动控制盘控制正压送风系统的启、停,并显示其动作反馈信号。
A.送风机 B.送风网 C.防火 D.电动送风口 [单项选择]教育者向受教育的医务人员传授医学道德规范的医学道德教育方法是()。
A. 言教 B. 奖惩 C. 身教 D. 榜样 E. 引领学生进行实践 [单选题]关于清法的叙述不正确的是:( )
A.A、气分实热者,轻推督脉 B.B、表实热者,轻推背部膀胱经 C.C、血分实热者,重推督脉 D.D、气血虚热者,擦督脉 E、表虚热者,轻推背部膀胱经 [判断题]政府专职消防员从总队离职未满2年的政府专职消防员,不再招用。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 平行投影根据投射线与投影面是否垂直的位置关系可被分为正投影和( )(中)
A.垂直投影 B.斜投影 C.侧投影 D.中心投影 [单选题]工作人员在现场工作过程中,凡遇到异常情况(如直流系统接地等)或断路器(开关)跳闸时是本工作所引起,应保留现场并立即通知( )。
A. 工作负责人 B. 调控人员 C. 运维人员 D. 专责监护人 [单选题]意识能动作用最突出的表现是( )
A.意识活动的目的性 B.意识活动的主动创造性 C.意识活动对客观世界的改造作用 D.意识活动对人体生理活动的控制 [简答题]志愿服务礼仪的原则有哪些?
[单选题]作战行动应根据指挥员指令,编组实施,至少( )人以上协同配合,同进同出,严禁擅自行动。
A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5 [多选题]煤巷、半煤岩巷和有瓦斯涌出岩巷的掘进工作面甲烷传感器的报警浓度为(),断电浓度为(),复电浓度为()。
A.≥1.0% B.≥1.5% C.<1.0% D.<1.5% [单项选择]Doctors are starting to find more and more information that suggests a connection between exercise and brain development. According to some research, it seems that exercise can make blood vessels, including those in the brain, stronger and more fully developeD.
The effects of exercise on brain development can even be seen in babies. Babies who do activities that require a lot of movement and physical activity show greater brain development than babies who are less physically active. Margaret Barnes, a pediatrician, believes in the importance of exercise. (82)She thinks that many learning disabilities that children have in elementary school or high school can be traced back to a lack of movement as babies. In studies with seniors, research has shown that exercise helps older people as well. The exercise doesn’t have to be very difficult. The main goal is just to increase the heart rate. And especially when learning new movements, such as yoga or tai chi, it appears that new m A. How to take exercise B. How exercise helps the brain C. How to enjoy music D. How the brain can change [判断题]热像仪的有效监测距离为80米。[易]( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]张某盗窃1000元人民币的案件由县公安机关侦查终结后移送县人民检察院审查起诉。县人民检察院审查后认为张某犯罪情节轻微,可以免除刑罚,决定不起诉。县公安机关如果认为县人民检察院的决定有错误,依法可以作出什么处理?( )
A.请求县人民法院审查县人民检察院的决定 B.请求上一级公安机关移送县人民检察院审查起诉 C.提请县检察院的上一级人民检察院复议 D.要求县人民检察院复议,意见不被接受时向上一级人民检察院提请复核 [单选题]伤员脱离电源后,判断伤员有无意识应在()以内完成。
A.5s B.10s C.30s D.60s [判断题]至少每年由授权的人员对空气呼吸器进行一次目检和性能测试。但在使用频率高或使用条件比较恶劣时,则应缩短定期测试的时间间隔。与呼吸器配套使用的气瓶,必须通过由国家质量技术监督局授权的检验机构进行的定期检验与评定。( )(易)
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]消防站建筑物位于抗震设防烈度为2~5度地区的,应按乙类建筑进行抗震设计。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]下列哪些是建筑结构本身的固有参数()。
A.振型 B.速度 C.加速度 D.阻尼系数 E.频率 [单项选择]在软件工程中,白箱测试法可用于测试程序的内部结构。此方法将程序看做是( )。
A. 路径的集合 B. 循环的集合 C. 目标的集合 D. 地址的集合 我来回答: 提交