After the violent earthquake that shook Los Angeles in 1994, earthquake scientists had good news to report: The damage and death toll could have been much worse.
More than 60 people died in this earthquake. (26) comparison, an earthquake of similar intensity that shook America in 1988 (27) 25,000 victims. (28) and deaths were relatively less in Los Angeles because the quake occurred at 4:31 a.m. on a holiday, (29) traffic was light on the city’s highways. In addition, changes made to the construction codes in Los Angeles during the last 20 years have (30) the city’s buildings and highways, making them more (31) to quakes.
Despite the good news, civil engineers aren’t (32) on their successes. (33) to their drawing boards are blueprints for improved quake-resistant buildings. The new designs should (34) even greater security to cities where earthquakes often take place
A. clasped
B. exclaimed
C. clapped
D. claimed
某中外合资工业制造公司,为增值税一般纳税人,2000年1月开业。2007年适用税率为15%,2009年为减半征收的第二年,企业有关生产、经营资料如下: (1)取得产品销售收入2300万元、购买国库券利息收入50万元、从境内投资公司分回税后利润180万元(被投资方适用企业所得税税率 20%)、提供设计服务取得收入120万元; (2)发生产品销售成本1100万元;发生销售费用430万元; (3)发生财务费用220万元,其中:1月1日以集资方式筹集生产性资金300万元,期限1年,支付利息费用30万元(同期银行贷款年利率 6%);2008年4月1日向银行借款500万元用于建造厂房,借款期限1年,本年向银行支付了4个季度的借款利息30万元,该厂房于10月31日完工结算并投入使用,企业全部记人了财务费用; (4)发生管理费用260万元,其中含业务招待费 130万元、母公司为其提供管理咨询服务,开具发票,企业支付管理咨询费60万元; (5)“营业外支出”账户记载金额44万元。其中:合同违约金4万元;通过民政局对南方灾区的重建捐赠自产产品一批,账面成本40万元(当期同类货物不含税销售价格为56万元); (6)本年12月购入一套环境保护专用设备自用,投资额351万元; (7)当年支付残疾人工资为34万元,已按实际发生额计入当期成本费用。 其他相关资料:购买的环保专用设备符合国家相关抵免税政策。 根据上述资料和税法有关规定,回答下列问题: |