To compete in today’s fast-paced competitive environment, organizations are increasingly allowing contractors, partners, visitors and guests to access their internal enterprise networks. These users may connect to the network through wired ports in conference rooms or offices, or via wireless access points. In allowing this open access for third parties, LANs become (1). Third parties can introduce risk in a variety of ways from connecting with an infected laptop to unauthorized access of network resources to(2)activity. For many organizations, however, the operational complexity and costs to ensure safe third party network access have been prohibitive. Fifty-two percent of surveyed CISOs state that they currently use a moat and castle’s security approach, and admit that defenses inside the perimeter are weak. Threats from internal users are also increasingly a cause for security concerns. Employees with malicious intent can launch(4)of service attacks or steal (5) in
A. renounce
B. virtUOUS
C. denlal
D. traverse
Healthy guilt is a warning signal that
either something dangerous is about to happen or something has already happened
that need (21) . A feeling of distress is good when it keeps
us from (22) our own values. It serves a useful function.
Here is a(n) (23) : If a fire broke out in someone’s home
(24) faulty wiring, he would not be content with (25)
putting out the fire. (26) , he would have the
house rewired. When we feel guilty about something, we have to make the
necessary changes in our character to prevent a (27)
. Unhealthy guilt is a distressful feeling which occurs without reason or persists even after appropriate steps have been taken to deal with a situation. A person with (28) self-esteem may react to feelings of guilt, one of two ways: (29) that he has done wrong in orde A. contact B. disagreement C. relationship D. concern [多项选择]预防急性肾功能衰竭的措施有()
A. 及时补充血容量 B. 静脉输入碱性溶液 C. 及时应用利尿剂和脱水剂 D. 应用血管收缩剂 E. 及时应用升压药 [单选题]指挥员变换指挥位置进到预定的位置后,成()姿势下达口令。
A.立正 B.跨立 C.稍息 D.休息 [单选题]多次弯曲造成的()是钢丝绳破坏的主要原因之一。;
A.拉伸; B.扭转; C.弯曲疲劳; D.变形; [单选题]1下面( )是海因里希事故连锁理论事故发生过程中的五个部分。
A.管理缺陷;环境缺陷;人的不安全行为和物的不安全状态;事故;伤害 B.遗传及社会环境;人的缺点;直接原因;事故;伤害 C.遗传及社会环境;人的缺点;人的不安全行为和物的不安全状态;事故;伤害 D.基本原因;间接原因;人的不安全行为和物的不安全状态;事故;损失 [单项选择]药品不良反应监测中心的人员应具备的知识( )。
A. 医学、流行病学知识 B. 医学、药学及相关专业知识 C. 流行病、药学、统计学知识 D. 医学、药理、流行病学知识 E. 药学、统计学知识 [判断题]随着燃烧时间的延长,热风炉废气的显热损失将不断减少。()
A.I段 B.II段 C.III段 D.不确定 [单项选择]21,26,23,24,25,22,27,( )。
A. 28 B. 29 C. 20 D. 30 [单选题]流行病学的基本原则不包括( )
A.群体原则 B.现场原则 C.对比原则 D.代表性原则 E.盲法原则 [多选题]目前世界上使用最多的核电站是(____)。
A.重水堆核电站 B.快堆核电站 C.压水堆核电站 D.沸水堆核电站 [单选题]学校、教师可以对学生家长提供(
A.家庭教 育 B.社会教育 C.社会实 践 D.思想工作 [多选题]CRH5A平台动车组齿轮箱组成进行 120 万公里的装车跟踪验证。齿轮箱运营至() 万公里、()万公里时,每列各选取 1 台齿轮箱(1条动轮)返中车长客股份进行拆解。
A.180 B.200 C.210 D.240 [简答题]简述良性溃疡和恶性溃疡的区别?
[单项选择]"Do you know where the story of the film ______ " "It took place on an international train."
A. 卡普杰列夫 B. 乌申斯基 C. 维果斯基 D. 布隆斯基 [单选题] 电缆及电容器接地前应( )充分放电。 (1.0分)
A. 逐相 B. 保证一点 C. 单相 D. 三相 [单项选择]反映了股利与股价之间的关系的是______。
A. 每股股利 B. 股票获利率 C. 股利支付率 D. 留存收益比率 [单选题]蓄电池当液面高度小于10~15 mm时,一般加( )保持高度
A.蒸馏水 B.电解液 C.水 D.蒸馏水与电解液混合液 [判断题]在本地报关的出境货物,经检验检疫合格后,签发三联《出境货物通关单》。 ( )
A. LD50 B. LD100 C. MTD D. LOAEL E. NOAEL [填空题]按锉刀截面分锉刀有()、()、()、()、三角锉几种。
[单选题]下列不能直接用浮点数表示的是( ).
A.纯小数 B.负整数 C.分数 D.第一小数位是0的数 [单项选择]资本主义社会第一部法典是()
A. 《独立宣言》 B. 《人权宣言》 C. 《法兰西民法典》 D. 1787年美国宪法 [单选题]如果2010年我国生产法GDP为397983.3亿元, 则当年国民可支配总收入为 ( )亿元。查看材料
A.400039.8 B.402946.2 C.397133.5 D.393020.5 [判断题]电灼伤、火焰烧伤或高温气、水烫伤,伤口严禁用清洁布片覆盖,防止污染。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交