Many doctors suspect that there may be
some relationship between emotions and illness. However, they can not find a
proof. It is until two decades ago when Louise Hay brings her books You Can Heal
Your Body and You Can Heal Your Life to us, things get clear in our mind. In her
book, over three hundred people were assessed in terms of their emotions for a
two-week period. They were assessed for positive emotions they might be feeling,
such as vigor, well-being, and calmness, as well as for negative emotions such
as depression, anxiety, and hostility. Then they were each given a squirt in the
nose of the virus that causes common cold. People with more positive emotional
states were less likely to suffer from symptoms of the cold than people with
negative emotional states and they restored to health in a short time. So there
really do A. the connection of emotions and illness is first found among doctors. B. the doctors are not sure whether emotions influence illness. C. Louise Hay is an extraordinary doctor and she is widely accepted. D. Louise Hay solves many medical problems, so she is popular among doctors. [简答题]我们常说的“白衣天使”一般形容的是哪类职业的人?
A.均小骨盆 B.正常骨盆 C.横径狭窄骨盆 D.扁平骨盆 E.漏斗骨盆 [判断题]前置机的主要功能是接收多个子站信息,其通信口只能绑定同一规约。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]因签订或变更集体合同发生争议的处理程序是( )。
A. 当事人协商 B. 工会协商 C. 由劳动争议协调处理机构协调处理 D. 与用人单位平等协商 E. 劳动行政部门代表政府协调 [单项选择]AC控制是指______。
A. 闭环控制 B. 半闭环控制 C. 群控系统 D. 适应控制 [判断题]装设接地线时,应先接接地端,后接导线端,接地线应接触良好、连接应可靠。拆接地线的顺序与此相同。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]两汉时期已进入()传播的为主的时代。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在非正常条件下,可能超压的,顶部操作压力大于()MPa的压力容器,应设安全阀。
A.0.1 B.0.01 C.1 D.10 [单选题] 512
管理员通过 Te1net 成功登录路由器后,发现无法配置路由器的接口 IP 地址。那么可能的原因有? A. 管理员使用的 Telnet 终端软件禁止相应操作 B. SNMP 参数配五错误 C. Telnet 用户的认证方式配置错误 D. Telnet 用户的级别配置错误 [判断题]近代农业阶段生产工具以农业机械为主,生产技术以投入大量化学农用物质为特征。
[单项选择]PC机所使用的标准键盘向主机发送的代码是( )。
A. 扫描码 B. ASCII符 C. BCD码 D. 格雷码 [多项选择]关于急性一氧化碳中毒的发病机制正确的是()
A. 主要为组织缺氧 B. 一氧化碳与Hb有较强的亲和力 C. COHb失去携氧能力 D. COHb易解离 E. 全身和中枢缺氧症状为主 [判断题]土建工作与电气设备无关,可以不办理工作票,但应得到值班人员的许可。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]年轻恒牙患龋率最高的牙是()。
A. 尖牙 B. 下前牙 C. 上前牙 D. 第一恒磨牙 E. 第二恒磨牙 [单项选择]男性患者,58岁,诊断为2型糖尿病3年,饮食控制、运动井口服二甲双胍0.5g,每日3次,半年来空腹血糖增高至9~10mmol/L,身高167cm,体重60kg,应加用的降糖药物是
A. 瑞格列奈 B. 格列齐特 C. 阿卡波糖 D. 格列喹酮 E. 罗格列酮 [多选题]()等可以兼做调车信号机。
A.出站信号机 B.接车进路信号机 C.发车进路信号机 D.进站信号机 [判断题]巡视发现上跨桥梁底、桥沿、隧道口、隧道内、拱形明洞等处出现冰凌后,应及时向集团公
司供电调度员报告,申请接触网停电,采用绝缘工具(如打冰杆等)进行清除。( ) A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]通常灰的熔点大于1400℃的煤称为难熔灰分的煤。
A.低 B.中 C.较高 D.高 [单项选择]A new study of the brain is helping scientists better understand how humans process language. One of the patients is a woman with epilepsy(羊癫疯). Doctors are (31) Denise Harris to see if she is a good (32) for an operation that could stop her seizures. They are monitoring her through wire electrodes (33) in her brain.
But (34) she is in the hospital, she is also helping scientists understand (35) the brain works with language. The study (36) a part of the frontal lobe called Broca’s area. The electrode implants have shown that the area very quickly (37) three different language functions. Eric Halgren, one of the main investigators, says they found different (38) doing, at different times, different processes all (39) a centimeter. The first function deals with (40) a word. The second deals with understanding the word’s meaning within a sentence. (41) the third lets us speak the word. A. recognizing B. marking C. acknowledging D. discriminating [单项选择]人乳的初乳中含量较高的免疫球蛋白是______
A. IgA B. IgE C. IgG D. IgM E. IgN [判断题]运行中的供电设备系指全部带有电压,或部分带有电压及一经操作即可带有电压的设备。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]我国1:1万和1:25万比例尺地形图采用的是什么投影?试述该投影的变形分布规律。
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