Once upon a time there was a man who
had fifty red nightcaps to sell at a fair. His wife put them into a great bag
for him which he carried over his shoulder. It was a very hot day. Now the man’s way lay through a wood. When he came to the shade, he put down his bag and sat down to rest. Soon he took one of the red nightcaps out of his bag, put it on, lay down and went to sleep. Now there were monkeys in that wood, and by and by a big old ape came stealing down out of the trees and took one of the red nightcaps out of the bag, put it on his head, and ran up into a tree and sat there grinning and chattering. By and by another ape came stealing down and he too took a red nightcap, put it on and ran up into a tree and he too sat in the tree grinning and chattering. [不定项选择题][不定项选择题] 燃料油燃烧的四个阶段依次是( )。
A. 雾化、汽化、燃烧、燃烬 B. 与空气混合、雾化、燃烧、燃烬 C. 油滴燃烧、汽化、燃烧、燃烬 D. 汽化、雾化、燃烧、燃烬 [单选题]以下说法正确的是()
A.GAR支持smartgroup B.T64E使用nat功能不需要硬件支持 C.GER支持端口镜象 D.ZSR2.8版本支持pppoe-client功能 [多选题]3.685. 按故障现象划分,电缆线路故障可分为( )。
A.电缆导体烧断、拉断而引起电缆线路故障 B.电缆绝缘被击穿而引起电缆线路故障 C.断线故障 D.电缆本体故障 [单项选择]下列叙述中,不属于软件需求规格说明书的作用的是______。
A. 便于用户、开发人员进行理解和交流 B. 反映出用户问题的结构,可以作为软件开发工作的基础和依据 C. 作为确认测试和验收的依据 D. 便于开发人员进行需求分析 [单选题]起重机上应备有灭火装置,驾驶室内应铺橡胶绝缘垫,不得存放大量易燃物品。
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [多项选择]在工程项目的实施过程中,承包人提出工程变更的情形有()。
A. 图纸出现错、漏、碰、缺等缺陷无法施工 B. 图纸不便施工,变更后更经济、方便 C. 采用新型的施工机械的工程 D. 采用新材料、新产品、新工艺、新技术的需要 E. 承包人考虑自身利益,为费用索赔提供工程变更 我来回答: 提交