Over the past several years, I have interviewed
dozens of senior executives of Fortune 1,000 companies and asked two questions:
"Is there information that would help you run your company far better if you had
it in real time, and, if m, what is it " Without exception, they answered yes to
the first question, then ticked off the one to three items they wanted. Dave
Dorman at AT&T said he wanted real-time customer transaction information,
such as contract renewals and cancellations. Rick Wagoner at GM wanted real-time
progress reports on new vehicle development. Others on his senior team wanted
certain narrowly defined data on product quality and prod A. to assess what they have done. B. to make a decision after a snag comes up. C. to foresee potential problems of the company. D. to identify an important event the moment it takes place. 热门试题: [填空题]
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]帮助孩子学会正确地表达和控制自己的情感,掌握一些常用的宣泄不良情绪的方式与方法是发展儿童人际交往能力的策略之一。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]谈谈你对“抢拼实善”新时代青浦奋斗精神的理解。
[单选题]组塔过程中,攀登高度( )m以上铁塔宜沿有护笼的爬梯上下。如无爬梯护笼时,应采用绳索式安全自锁器沿脚钉上下。
A.60 B.70 C.80 D.90 [单项选择]质量保修书的内容可以不包括( )。
A. 质量保修期 B. 质量保修责任 C. 质量保修金的支付方法 D. 质量保修负责人 [单项选择]{{B}}Text 2{{/B}}