to get from Kathmandu to the tiny
village in Nepal, Dave Irvine-Halliday spent more than two days. When he
arrived, he found villagers working and reading around battery-powered lamps
equipped with light-emitting diodes, or LEDs--the same lamps he had left there
in 2000. Irvine-Halliday, an American photonics engineer, was not surprised. He chose to use LED bulbs because they are rugged, portable, long-lived, and extremely efficient. Each of his lamps produces a useful amount of illumination from just one watt of power. Villagers use them about four hours each night, then top off the battery by pedaling a generator for half an hour. The cool, steady beam is a huge improvement over lamps still common in developing Countries. In fact, LEDs have big advantages over familiar incandescent (白炽的)lights as well--so much so that Irvine-Halliday expects LEDs wil A. The displays in digital clocks and calculators are just produced by early LEDs. B. Irvine-Halliday believes that LED will certainly become the world’s main source of artificial light. C. A decade ago, engineers developed red and blue LEDs, which were regarded as a mile-stone in this research. D. It is the blue LED developed by a Japanese engineer that had a great impact on the research process. [单选题]起吊作业完毕后,应将电动葫芦停放( )的位置,吊钩升起,并切断电源。
A.指定 B.随意 C.方便 [判断题]稻壳不用求大汽冲蒸40分钟以上。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]1.187.第187题
触电的伤员脱离电源后的处理应注意()。 A.触电伤员如神志清醒,应使其就地躺平,严密观察,暂时不要站立或走动 B.清理伤员身体,方便下一步救治 C.触电伤员如神志不清醒,应就地仰面躺平,且确保气道畅通,并用5s时间呼叫伤员或轻拍其肩部,以判定伤员是否意识丧失。禁止摇动伤员头部呼叫伤员 D.需要抢救的伤员,应立即就地坚持正确抢救,并设法联系医疗部门接替救治。 [单项选择]早产儿有呼吸暂停,主要是因为()
A. 肺泡表面活性物质少 B. 呼吸中枢相对不成熟 C. 肋间肌肌力弱 D. 肺泡数量相对少 E. 膈肌位置高 [单项选择]在利润损失保险合同中,若赔偿期限确定为18个月,则足额投保的保险金额应该是本年度预期毛利润的( )。
A. 125% B. 150% C. 175% D. 200% [判断题]示值比较法是指利用物质的标准状态来校验仪表。( )[1.0分]
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] (中)( )下列表述,正确的是:( )
A.发展对象应当有两名正式党员作入党介绍人。入党介绍人一般 由党小组指定, 也可由培养联系人担任 B.党员在参加工作、调动工作、退休等 6 月内, 应主动办理组织 关系转移手续, 并在有效期内到指定党组织报到 C.基层党组织对转入的预备党员, 在其预备期满时, 如认为有必 要,可推迟讨论其转正问题,推迟时间不超过 1 年 D.党员的党龄, 从预备期满转为正式党员之日算起 [单选题]处理后的痤疮部位应涂抹( )。
A.暗疮收口膏 B.暗疮电疗膏 C.外用药膏 D.薄荷膏 我来回答: 提交