The idea of test-tube babies may make
you either delighted at the wonders of modern medicine or irritated while
considering the moral, or legal, or technological implications of starting tire
in a laboratory. But if you’ve ever been pregnant yourself, one thing is
certain: You wonder what it’s like to carry a test-tube baby. Are these
pregnancies normal Are the babies normal The earliest answers come from Australia, where a group of medical experts at the Queen Victoria Medical Center in Melbourne have taken a look at the continent’s first nine successful invitro pregnancies. The Australians report that the pregnancies themselves seemed to have proceeded according to plan, but at birth some unusual trends did show up seven of the nine babies turned out to be girls. Six of the nine were delivered by Caesarean section. A A. Normal B. rest-tube. C. Built-in. D. Formal. 热门试题:[多选题]现场处置方案主要内容是( )应急处置、注意事项。
A.应急能力评估 B.事故风险分析 C.资料收集 D.风险评估 E.应急工作职责 [单项选择]管理国库单一账户体系的职能部门是()。
A. 国家税务总局 B. 财政部 C. 中国人民银行 D. 商务部 [单项选择]通用型机车台信道间隔为()。
A. 25KHz B. 30KHz C. 35KHz D. 40KHz [单选题]列车运行中,车站助理值班员发现车门开启时,应呼叫列车车辆乘务员,如无法联系到列车车辆乘务员,列车调度员得知信息后应布置列车( )。
A.立即停车处理 B.在前方站停车处理 C.前方办客站处理 D.前方客运站处理 [判断题]关系到党的整个事业和党的建设的决定因素是党的政治路线正确与否。()
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]列举生产经营单位的从业人员依法享有的权利有哪些?
[多选题]下列各项关于资源税减免税规定的表述中,正确的有( )。
A.对出口的应税产品免征资源税 B.对进口的应税产品不征收资源税 C.开采原油过程中用于修井的原油免征资源税 D.开采应税产品过程中因自然灾害有重大损失的,可由省级人民政府决定减征或免征资源税 [单项选择]有关特发性肺纤维化的叙述,不正确的是( )
A. 起病隐匿 B. 逐渐加重的劳力性呼吸困难 C. 肺功能主要表现为限制性通气功能障碍 D. 严重时发展为Ⅰ型呼吸衰竭 E. 激素治疗效果好 [单项选择] 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选取出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。