被控对象的时间常数反映了对象在阶跃作用下被控变量变化的快慢速度,为对象惯性大小的常数,时间常数( ),( )大,被控变量变化速度慢,控制较平稳。 |
Poverty exists because our society is
an unequal one ,and there are extremely strong and powerful political
pressures to keep it that way. Any attempt to redistribute wealth and
income in the United States will inevitably be opposed by powerful middle and
upper class interests. People can be relatively rich only if others are
relatively poor, and since power is concentrated in the hands of the rich,
public policies will continue to reflect their interests rather than those of
the poor. As Herbert Gans (1973) has pointed out, poverty is actually functional from the point of view of the non-poor. Poverty ensures that" dirty" work gets done. If there were, no poor people to scrub floors and empty waste, these jobs would have to be rewarded with high incomes before anyone would touch them. Poverty creates jobs for many of the no A. the non-poor as they can get well-paid jobs B. the rich as there are sorts of domestic services available C. the poor as they can get cheap bread and automobiles D. the businessmen as they can easily find a market for goods and services lower in quality [单选题]纳税人未按照规定期限缴纳税款的,税务机关从滞纳税款之日起,按日加收滞纳税款万分之五的滞纳金,逾期仍未缴纳的,通知其开户银行从其存款中扣缴税款和滞纳金。下列说法哪项是正确的?( )
A.加收滞纳金为行政强制措施,通知银行扣缴税款和滞纳金为行政强制执行 B.加收滞纳金为行政强制执行,通知银行扣缴税款和滞纳金为行政强制措施 C.加收滞纳金与通知银行扣缴税款和滞纳金,均为行政强制措施 D.加收滞纳金为间接强制执行,通知银行扣缴税款和滞纳金为直接强制执行 [判断题] 非管制业务单位基于自身战略并考虑发展阶段、行业地位及数据获取等因素,一般选取不少于10家行业内先进企业作为对标对象。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 公安派出所民警根据举报当场查获刘某卖淫、张某嫖娼,询问结束后将刘某和张某带到医院由医生进行性病检查。 (1分)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]女性,48岁。患乙肝10年,确诊肝硬化2年。患者经常有牙龈出血、鼻出血。出血的最主要原因是()。
A. 维生素K缺乏 B. 毛细血管脆性增加 C. 血小板功能不良 D. 凝血因子合成障碍 E. 肝脏解毒功能不良而致毒性反应 [多选题]计算旅客票价的起码里程为:客票( )千米;加快票( )千米;卧铺票( )千米.
A.20 B.100 C.200 D.400 [单选题]呼吸商是
A.在一定时间内机体摄人O2与呼出CO2的比值 B.呼出气与吸人气的比值 C.一次呼吸中,机体呼出CO2的量与吸人O2量的比值 D.呼出气与肺容量的比值 E.—定时间内机体CO2产量与耗O2量的比值 [填空题] 专业工程师组织工序施工的( ),参加专检
A. 病毒 B. 细菌 C. 真菌 D. 衣原体 E. 支原体 我来回答: 提交