Cooperation is the only safeguard we
have against the development of neurotic tendencies. It is therefore very
important that children should be trained and encouraged in cooperation, and
should be allowed to find their own way amongst children of their own age, in
common tasks and shared games. Any barrier to cooperation will have serious
consequences. The spoilt child, for example, who has learned to be interested
only in himself, will take this lack of interest in others to school with him.
His lessons will interest him only in so far as he thinks he gains his teachers’
favor. He will listen only to what he considers advantageous to himself. As
approaches adulthood, the result of his lack of social feeling will become more
and more evident. When he first misunderstood the meaning of life, he ceased
training himself for responsib A. facing life’s tests and difficulties with courage. B. the progress of human civilization. C. the importance of learning to cooperate. D. the early education of children. [判断题]汛期,车间干部每季度对Ⅰ、Ⅱ级防洪地点全面检查不得少于两次,每季度对Ⅲ级防洪地点全面检查不得少于一次。( )《中国铁路西安局集团有限公司防洪标准化管理办法-第二十八条》
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在处置( )事故时,应该做好防冻伤防护。
A.氯气 B.沙林 C.氰化氢 D.液化石油气 [单项选择]导致肝气横逆上冲的情志所伤是
A. 过度愤怒 B. 暴喜过度 C. 悲忧太过 D. 恐惧过度 E. 突受惊吓 [判断题]作业前后需重点对装载机动臂及转斗机构各销轴进行润滑保养,各转轴摩擦力对电子秤称量精度有直接影响。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]《素问·四气调神大论》认为冬天养生应()
A. 夜卧早起,被发缓形,广步于庭 B. 夜卧早起,使气得泄,无厌于日,使志无怒 C. 早卧早起,以缓秋刑,使志安宁 D. 早卧晚起,必待日光,使志若伏若匿 E. 夜卧晚起,藏德不止,生气不竭 [判断题]金融负债可以进行重分类。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]苍蝇通常在栖息地附近觅食,其活动半径大约为()
A. 50~100m B. 1000~2000m C. 200~1000m D. 100~200m [单项选择]
A. To watch TV. B. To write some essays. C. To listen to music. D. To read a book. [单选题]世界正处于大发展大变革大调整时期,( )仍然是当今时代的主题
A.南北问题 B.和平与发展 C.反对霸权主义、强权政治问题 D.建立国际经济政治新秩序问题 [单选题]白细胞计数在什么情况下不增高()
A.新生儿 B.情绪激动 C.激烈运动 D.睡眠 E.妊娠分娩时 [单项选择]
Today, one of the major newspaper websites in America stated that free online news reading is approaching its end. The New York Times has turned into the biggest publisher yet to (26) plans for a payment of its digital products, (27) the accepted rule that people who use Internet will not need to pay for news. 我来回答: 提交