Riches and Romance From France’s Wine
Harvest{{/B}} September is harvest time. And with bunches of grapes swinging (摇摆) in the wind, the vineyards of southern France are getting ready to celebrate it. The yearly wine festival is held in honour of Bacchus, the Roman god of wine. It’s a fun time with parties, music, dancing, big meals and, of course, lots of wine. French wine-making began more than 2,500 years ago. The world’s oldest type of vine grows in France and always produces a good quality wine. Today France produces one-fifth of the world’s wine, and some of the most famous varieties. The top wine-producing areas are Bordeaux, Burgundy and the Loire Valley. Champagne, a dri [判断题]账薄记账日期和金额写错时,以一道红线把全行数字划销,将正确数字写在划销错误数字的上边,并由记账员在红线左端盖章证明。如划错红线,可在红线两端用红色墨水划“×”销去,并由记账员在右端盖章证明。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]工业化是指( )。
A. 用机器生产替代手工劳动 B. 机器大工业在国民经济中的比重大幅度提高 C. 农业产量降低,工业产量增加 D. 在农业中采用先进的技术 [单项选择]变压器新投运前,应做()次冲击合闸试验
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[多选题]退出EXCEL程序的方法有哪几种( )
A.标题栏"关闭"按纽 B.文件菜单"退出"按纽 C.双击标题栏 D.文件菜单"关闭"按纽 [判断题]王明犯的错误一直是“左”倾机会主义错误。( )
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A.轴悬式 B.架悬式 C.体悬式 [简答题]空预器所属有哪些辅助设备?各设备的作用是什么?
A. 进固体食物时需伴水送下 B. 复发性口腔溃疡 C. 猖獗性龋齿 D. 讲话时需频频饮水 E. 成人腮腺炎 [判断题]商业银行开展个人理财业务应按照符合客户利益和风险承受能力的原则,审慎尽责地开展个人理财业务。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交