Predictions of large populations of
robots in industry have yet to come true. For a decade or more, manufacturers of
big robots have explained how their machines can make industry more competitive
and productive. The market for 51 robots is now oversupplied,
and the driving force of the robotics (机器人技术) revolution is 52
to be with makers of machines that handle a few kilos at
most. "Heavy-robot manufacturers are in some difficulty 53 finding customers. They are offering big 54 just to get in the door. There has been a 55 growth everywhere in the numbers of robots, so we have to admit we are either deceiving 56 or that the market is slowly growing, "said John Reekie, Chairman of Colne Robotics. "The following t A. However B. Finally C. Whereas D. Therefore [单选题]当油环安装不当环与环槽间隙过大或活塞与气缸间隙较大时机油进入燃烧室即所谓 ( )。
A.机油稀释 B.机油上窜 C.机油下窜 D.燃油稀释 [单选题]下列对自同期并列的优点描述正确的是(____)。
A.冲击电流小 B.并列迅速 C.冲击转矩小 D.对电网扰动小 [填空题]市场调查一般分为调查准备、()、分析与研究三个阶段。
[多选题]如投诉预受理人员无法査询到通行记录时应当如何做?( )
A.应当提请投诉人登录本人ETC账户査询交易清单。 B.联系ETC发行服务机构查询本人的相关通行记录。 C.及时提供相关情况作为投诉处理依据。 D.退回不再受理。 [单选题]哈尔滨地铁1号线一、二期电客车半自动车钩的最大水平转角为( )。
A.±15º B.±16º C.±18º D.±20º [判断题]消防轻型安全绳一般用于()KN及其以下负荷。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题] 在电气设备上工作,保证安全的组织措施包括:工作票制度、工作许可制度、工作监护制度和工作终结制度。
[单选题]日均发送( )人及以上的车站售票厅(不含自助购票专区)需设置导购服务台。
A.5000 B.10000 C.15000 D.20000 [单项选择]下列哪一项是系统误差的性质( )
A. 随机产生 B. 具有单向性 C. 呈正态分布 D. 难以测定; 我来回答: 提交